Game of Questions

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GOTVELVET SHIP: Jaebeom x Irene
GENRE: fantasy
SONGSPIRATION: Game of Questions by I belong to the zol

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"My queen"

"Ser Jaebeom"

It was a cold night at the House Bae. They have just won a war against the House Park and had set all the slaves free. It was something definitely a toast, but the drinks they have in hand was not for the victory of their House, but for the heart that has been broken after finding out about the treason committed by her supposedly King of the Seven Kingdoms.

"Why am I not seeing the smile of a queen who's proud of her accomplishments and had finally earned the title breaker of chains for herself?"

Amongst the others, Ser Jaebeom was the only man whom the Queen trusts aside from the Queen's Hand and her Handmaiden.

"Because not all wars won will give you a sense of victory, Ser Jaebeom. In every war, there will always be casualties that come along with it. And in my case, this war that I have just won had scarred me greatly."

Irene was not an easy person that one could manipulate and turn into their own pawn. She had always been the Queen that she is now.

Adored by many,
despised only by the enemy.

"And I suppose it was because of Ser Jinyoung from House Park. A traitor has no right to breathe the same air as my queen, say the word and I shall behead him."

And for the first time on that day, she smiled.

"You know, my queen. You do not deserve a man like him."

"And what do you propose, Ser Jaebeom? That I should take you as my king? You knew I have already told you a million times that I can not do that. You are a great man, but I am not the woman for you."

"Are you trying to say I am not worthy to be your king? That I am not worthy to be your companion as you rule over the Seven Kingdoms because I once served the House Kang to spy on you?"

"No, Ser Jaebeom, it isn't about that. You know I have forgiven you and I trust you with my life now after all the things you have gone through for me."

"Then why, my queen?"

Ser Jaebeom had led an army to fight and defend his queen. He had won wars and had never once failed at it. But the war he has with love is the only exception for he can never tell what is the reason behind his failure.

And the only question he could ever ask will always be why?

"Believe me when I say I have tried to return whatever you may be feeling for me. I have tried but I can only see you as —"

"A knight who serves you."

"A friend, Jaebeom."

"Then, I suppose it is only right that I sail off from here, my queen."

A bittersweet smile spreads across his visage. He already knew this would be coming, and yet he still hoped that somehow, Irene would say something different from what he has expected. He had thought that maybe, there could be something he could hold onto to fight the disease he had just caught.

"I have it, my Queen. I have a greyscale condition. And like the others, I shall be sent to the Citadel and be isolated so I will not have to infect anyone else."


"No, my queen. Do not look at me with the eyes only filled with pity just because I had caught it. Look at me like how a Queen would encourage her army to fight for her. But I just have, one last question before I sail off. If I survive this, could I possibly commit treason and steal the heart of the Queen?"

"Jaebeom. All I ask of you now is to fight that disease, not for me but for you. And as your Queen, I order you to come back to me alive and healthy and continue to serve as my protector."

And down until the very last moment, she still had her heart shut for him.

Why does it have to be like this?

Why does he have to fall for a Queen? A queen who only sees him as a knight and a friend.

Why does her heart chooses to love those who end up leaving her when he is just right there all along, willing to do everything for his one and true Queen.

Why does he have to fall in love for someone who will never ever fall for him?


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