What Am I

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GOTVELVET SHIP: Youngjae x Yeri
GENRE: fluff, R18
SONGSPIRATION: What Am I by Why Don't We

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Most nights for both Youngjae and Yeri would always be filled with either movie marathons or sex. But tonight was a little different compared to the previous nights they had.

Right after eating, they have already stayed at the balcony of Youngjae's apartment, cuddling as they watch the sunset together and spent the rest of the night giggling about the silliest things they could talk about and would occasionally exchange sweet and passionate kisses.

"Oh damn. Did we really just lost track of time? We stayed here and watched the sunset and now we're about to watch the sunrise."

Hearing Yeri giggle would always be his favorite kind of music. It fills in that void inside his heart that aches at times he thinks about how beautiful Yeri is when she smiles.

Man, he is so damn whipped.

Her smile had slowly turned into a huge grin as she watches the sunrise, perfectly bringing warmth after such a cold night. It was such a sight to behold. But for Youngjae, the sight he would definitely most enjoy looking at would be Yeri who's enjoying the sight presented before her.

Both of them were staring at something they love.

Her, the sunrise
Him, the woman he loves.

"Beautiful." he remarked, still lost at the sight of the woman smiling so beautifully.

"Yeah. It's really pretty." she turned her head to the side only to be surprised upon finding out that this whole time, Youngjae's eyes had never left her visage.

"The other night, why didn't you asked why I broke rule number two? And why did you let me do it even though we have completely agreed at first that we would never make love and just always keep it rough?"

Finally, Youngjae had mustered up his courage in asking her the question that had been lingering in his mind for a while now.

"I already know you have broken the first rule, Youngjae. I know you are in love with me now."

The man who had always something to say is now left speechless.

"I know you are, but what am I?"

Youngjae still remained silent, been trying to process things in his head, and making sure that when he speaks, he would not mess things up.

"What am I, Youngjae? I have never been in love before. I do not know what is this that I am feeling for you. I just do not know."

He cut her off and pressed his lips onto hers. Her lips following the rhythm of the kiss he gives. Sweet and gentle.

As Youngjae pulled away, she pulled him back in for another round of passionate exchange of kisses.

A smile creeps onto his lips the moment Yeri pulled away.

"Why are you smiling?"

"I can tell what you are now."

"Then what am I, Youngjae?"

"You are just as in love as I am. You love me and I love you, Kim Yerim."

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