Take A Walk

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GENRE: fantasy
SONGSPIRATION: Take a Walk by øffshore

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To bring balance to the universe, the gods have agreed upon creating celestial forms of light and dark.

Soleil, the light bringer, the one that shines bright and provides goodness and hope to the universe.

Lune, the darkness, the one that provides comfort to dim moments of the universe.

During the day, Lune gets to walk around the Earth like a normal human being.

And during the night, Soleil takes a form of a human and walks the earth.

These celestial bodies had never known each other until the first eclipse happened.

Lune had always been aware that he shines not because it comes our from his body, but it comes from another source. With the eclipse that had happened, he found out that the light that helps him glow and provide light amidst darkness is actually coming from a celestial being named Soleil.

Every now and then when the sun and the moon meet, they would exchange a few greetings and stories. It went on and on until they grew fond of one another.

Like how Soleil provides light enough to make Lune glow, she becomes his source of joy.

And like how Lune provides comfort amidst the darkness, he becomes her safe haven.

The gods were not in favor of their love at first, but with their sincerity and consistency, the gods have answered their prayers.

They had then created Nuage the cloud.

There will be times when Nuage spreads all over the Earth that no single sign of a moon or a sum appears, and this happens because these celestial bodies had taken in the form of a human and is roaming freely around the Earth only for a certain amount of time.

They did not care much about the time, may it only be for a few hours or even just a few minutes. To be able to embrace each other and had their lips touch occasionally was more than enough for them.

"You look majestic as ever."

"And you look like heaven-sent like always, my Soleil."

Tonight they were back at the beach where they would always meet, taking a walk by the shore as they let the cold breeze embrace them and their warmness fight it over.

Hand in hand they walk by the shore and admire the creations of the gods.

"You know I have recently met a few humans that claim that their professions were scientists and they have told me the possibilities of the light dying someday and it scares me, my love. Would the gods above, our creators, really permit that?"

"I bet not. The gods have created us and we live as long as the universe needs us and humans have no power to make the decision on us celestial beings. So there is nothing to worry about, Lune."

As expected, Soleil had once again given the light that Lune needed after being trapped with dark thoughts for a while now.

"How many more minutes do we have now?"

"We only have five minutes left. And I already miss you, Soleil."

"You are becoming clingier and I am not complaining at all."

"I love you, Soleil."

"I love you too, Lune."

"Just want to make it clear, you won't leave me right?"

"Of course. Never will I ever leave you, my Lune."

"Together forever, right?"

"Yes, together forever."

And just in time, the clouds had finally lessen and showed the beauty of the sun and the moon — glowing with love and happiness.

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