Your Universe

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GOTVELVET SHIP: Jaebeom x Seulgi
GENRE: fluff
SONGSPIRATION: Your Universe by Rico Blanco

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There were so many scattered sheets on the floor. It was almost 2 in the morning and Jaebeom was still inside his studio.

He had been very occupied lately. The deadline was adjusted to an earlier date so the other producers could look into all of his compositions before they give it a go signal to be included in the full album they will be releasing for the upcoming comeback of their group.

He had probably drank around 5 to 8 cups of coffee. He was well aware he shouldn't be, but he had to. He had to stay up to finish everything on time. He was very motivated to finish them all after one of the producers turned down most of the songs he produced and asked him to change it several times.

Being in moments like this he wish that the love of his life was there to bring comfort to him. The job he has now is not as easy at it looks like, thanks to her, everything gets a little lighter somehow.

He was well aware that Seulgi had a very busy schedule after her latest subunit debut. She's been going on music shows, radio shows, photoshoots, trainings, variety shows, and there's just so much more. They had little to no time to meet up at all. All they could ever do was drop a couple of messages and exchange a few stories and warm greetings over video calls and that's it.

He longs for her presence. He longs for the warmth of her hugs and how it brings comfort to him. He often wonders if she actually know how a single smile from her could already sweep him off of his feet big time, how her soft kisses felt like hot chocolates taken on a cold winter day, how her embrace could make the blankets feel ashamed of its existence for it was always enough to make him feel warm, and how her mere existence is enough to be his happy pill. She was his happy pill. His everything.

He hoped and prayed that he will receive even just one call from her to keep him going. He misses her voice so much. He needs his muse, his sole inspiration, his one and only love.

To his surprise, he did not receive any call at all, but instead, Seulgi had personally dropped by his studio.

He couldn't take the smile off of his face, it only grew wider than it ever was the moment he had finally held her close.

"You came."

"Of course I would. I am sorry if it took me a while. I brought some foods and our favorite strawberry drinks!"

"You truly are the best. I wasn't expecting anything at all and all of this is already enough and I am beyond grateful."

They sat by the couch for a while, feeding each other some foods, stories, and laughter.

"You must be tired and yet you still dropped by here. You could have called instead, I'll understand."

"You have supported me so much during my debut with Irene unnie, so now is the time that I do my part and become the supportive girlfriend."

The emptiness he once felt moments ago has now been filled with so much love. You can see it through his eyes how he speaks so much joy and love, all thanks to Seulgi.

"You know, Jaebeom, you have helped me so much get through this debut. You have supported me all along. Even before. You never stopped. I will forever be grateful that I've met you and that you're mine. I'm so lucky to have you."

And it was that time of the day again when they both get sappy and exchange a couple of sweet words that their hearts  wanted to say out loud. How they wish they could also say it out to the whole world.

Her words were melting him into a little puddle filled with affection and he loves it so much. There was so much things to say but all the good words will never be enough to fully express how thankful he is and how much he loves her. Safe to say, she also makes him speechless.

Rather than expressing it all in words, he pulled her in her arms and locked her in his embrace before giving her lips a soft peck.

"I'll always be the lucky one. I love you, my Seulgi."

"I love you too, Jaebeomie."

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