Is it Possible?

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GENRE: angst
SONGSPIRATION: Maaari Ba ( Is it Possible?) by Wilbert Ross

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Mark is the type of person who never knew how to express his feelings through words nor actions, that it actually took him a month before he was able to finally speak out his sincerest thoughts and feelings.

A month. Wendy had broken up with him through a text message for a month now and he still wasn't able to respond to it.

It was that moment he wondered how could he feel like his entire body was numb and yet it still hurts deep inside.

Not a day passes by that he does not open their message tab. Not even a second passes by without him trying to type in a response, wanting to get her back in his life. And in every second of the month that had just passed by, his heart ached madly.

He growled out of frustration. The day was yet about to end again and he still wasn't able to type in anything sensible.

The deep cut in his heart just kept bleeding that it numbs him out and forbids his mind to gather up his messy thoughts to at least be able to say something sensible enough to have her understand that he means every word he said.

"Mark, I cannot do this anymore. I did my best to at least save this relationship but I see no effort coming from you at all. Almost as if you do not love me at all. I am ending this once and for all. Goodbye, Mark."

Those words have lingered over his head and he does not even complain the way it haunts him even in his dream because he firmly believes that he deserved it anyway.

Then out of nowhere, what seemed like a dream has come into reality. Or so he thought —

He answered the phone and had slowly placed it over his ear.

"Hello? Mark?"

His heart ached at the familiar voice. It ached upon hearing from her finally. It ached as his name rolled out of her mouth in a rather cold manner.


He hoped and prayed deep inside that she would finally come back to him — that she still loves him the same, because he does. He still is madly in love with her.

"Hey, I would just like to ask if I could drop by your place tomorrow? I just want to pick up my things and I'll head out in an instant."

"Don't you want to stay a little longer? Ask me how I have been and then I will ask you the same thing."

"I do not have much time. I am a busy woman, you know that."

The line was dead for a while. There were so many things he wanted to tell her. He wanted to ask how she had been, how was her business doing, and many other questions that apparently were then again left unsaid.

"So? Is it possible for me to pick up my stuff at your place tomorrow or?"

"Is it still possible for us to come back to how we were before? Is it possible for us to be together again?"

Tears. There were tears rolling down his cheeks, his voice was shaking and so were his hands.

A sigh. A sigh was the first thing he heard right after he was able to finally let out a part of his thoughts. And with that sigh, he already knew, all those days where her smile and laughter was his only source of happiness was gone — that he won't be able to witness her walk down the aisle and swear vows with him like how he used to picture them together when they go on dates.

"Mark. It has been a month now. I am slowly recovering from the pain you have put me through, and I hope you do too. What I will be doing tomorrow is pick up my stuff from your place because I need to fly off to New York for a business meeting right afted. End of discussion. Is that all good?"

No, Wendy please let us talk more.

No, it isn't good at all. How could you recover that fast when I am still hanging over the edge?

No, I still want you back in my life so let's talk.

No, I still love you. Please come back.

No. Wendy. Please hear me out. I love you. I still do.

All these words and yet he choose to leave them all unsaid.

"Okay. I'll just leave it at the receptionist so you would not have to go up here."

"Perfect! That is way better. Thanks. Goodbye, Mark."

He hears it loud and clear.
That goodbye was not just a mere goodbye.

It was a farewell remark to the memories they shared and the promises they swore.

It isn't possible anymore.
It isn't.

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