Puzzle Piece

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GENRE: fluff
SONGSPIRATION: Puzzle Piece by NCT Dream

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"This is so frustrating."

She slouched down on her seat, a pout forming on her lips as she watched all of the ladies get invited to dance in the middle of the gymnasium. Her thumb occasionally refreshing the Love Alarm app.

How could someone not even be bold enough to ask her out?

She had attended the homecoming ball with Mark not because he had asked her to go with him, but she asked him a favor to accompany her while she waits for someone to ask her out to dance at least.

But no one even dared to ask her to be their date for the ball.

Mark could not help it but smile and chuckle at how adorable Joy looked. He loves playing and teasing around with her who happens to be his best friend.

But the way he gazed at her tonight was a bit different, even the smile he has on his lips is not the typical smile he displays when they fool around.

There is something odd about tonight. There is something odd about her.

"You know we are just wasting our time in this boring event. Why stick around here when we could find something else fun to do, right?"

"No, Mark. You do not understand. This ball is supposed to be magical for a woman like me. But it is nothing but a total flop for me."

Mark had then stood up from his seat, extended a hand out to offer it to her.

"May I have this dance?"

"Are you serious?"

"Does it look like I'm kidding?"

After an eye roll and a chuckle, she had finally taken his offer and had headed towards the dance floor with Mark.

His hands on her sides,
Her hands on his shoulders.
His eyes were on her,
Her eyes were somewhere else.

"You know you are such a terrible dancer. You know that right?"

"As if you are any better, Mark?"

"I mean, at least I have my eyes set on my partner not somewhere else which happens to be rude and disrespectful towards your partner, and yes that partner is me."

And finally, their gazes met. For a moment, he felt like the time stopped for a while, and for some reason, Joy, on the other hand, feels like they were the only people in that venue.

"You look so beautiful tonight."

"I always look good. Well, you too."

She broke off from their eye contact.

Why does she feel this way? Her heart starts beating irregularly, throat experiencing a little drought out of nervousness, and palms were sweating.

"Why can't you look me in the eyes, Joy"

"I-I don't know. I mean. I just want to look somewhere else."

Her voice nearly cracked as she stuttered.

Why is she so nervous all of a sudden?

And then something came up which had basically put an answer to every question she had in mind that time.

It was something she did not expect at all, but it was something that had made her heart skip a beat and had to waken the butterflies in her stomach.

"Joy, I like you."

That was where she was trying to escape from, but it was the only thing that she is capable of doing so at the moment.

"You know, now is the best time to at least say something back. Rejection is fine too."


Out of all the words present in all dictionaries, how was the only word that came out of her mouth.

"I mean how could you say that. Were you just carried away or anything? When? No, why?"

"I am certain I had been feeling this for some time now. I am not just caught up in the moment or anything. For a while, I wasn't really sure about what I was feeling until now."

When the panic kicks in after a sudden thought of possible misfortunes and consequences pass by one's head, stupid things would end up rushing out of one's lips.

In this case, Mark had suddenly come into that spot.

He had started blabbing about rejections and how he wanted to keep the friendship even if she will turn him down.

But all of those words he utter were inaudible for her. A grin began spreading across her face as she stares at him with adoration after the realization that after all this time, it was him.

Mark was the guy she was looking for.
He was her missing puzzle piece.

"Just shut up, Mark."

She silenced him with a kiss. Completely disregarding the fact that they are in the middle of a crowd.

Their lips moved against each other in such a very sweet and gentle manner, a smile creeping in after they have pulled away with their foreheads pressed against one another.

"So, is your offer still up?"

"What offer?"

"Let's get out of here Mark and be somewhere much more fun than this."

"To the ramen house?"

"The ramen house it is."

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