Sasha POV
I wake up with a massive hangover and I'm sore from the waist down. I don't remember anything but arriving with Bayley at Charlotte Flair's party last night. I looked down to notice that I'm not in my bed. Hell im not even at my own apartment! I look down and see that I'm completely naked with hickeys and bite marks all over my stomach and chest areas. I start to panicked as I couldn't figure out where I was and who was the person lying in the bed to me. Suddenly the mysterious body started to move and groan. I pulled the covers off just to see that it was......BAYLEY! I screamed and Bayley woke up falling off the bed in complete horror.
"Bayley Wtf dude!" I screamed as I grabbed the sheets to cover my naked body and standing by the wall.
"Ahh Sasha I can explain well I don't remember much cuz of this damn headache but I need you to calm down first" Bayley said grabbing a tank top and some shorts to cover herself up as well. I was trying so hard to figure out what had happened the prior night and then it hit me and I groaned in such disappointment of not only Bayley but in myself as well.
"Bayley did we uh did we have sex last night?" I asked hoping that she would deny but judging by the hickeys and bite marks that I have and the hickeys and her scratched up back, I knew that it was true.
"Yea Sasha we had sex but all I can remember is us at the pool party totally wasted and then we kissed and now this happens" said Bayley putting her hands on her head. I couldn't believe it. I had sex with Bayley. The one girl I crushed on for years but I didn't want it to happen this way. I wanted to be intimate with her as my girlfriend. Not a one night stand.
"Fuck Bayley! Where the fuck are we?" I asked irritably.
"We're at my apartment Sasha, look I'm sorry that we had an one night stand and I don't remember anything after the kiss but i would never wanted sex from you because I" Bayley stopped herself from finishing her sentence. Bayley grabbed my clothes and handed them to me. I quickly put them on and grabbed my phone and looked at Bayley.
"I think it's best that I leave before things get even more awkward" I said walking out of Bayley's bedroom. I called Becky to pick me up from Bayley's apartment to take me home.

Sasha's Apartment 20 minutes later
"Thanks Becky I'll call you later on." I said getting out of Becky's car and shutting her door.
"Alright lass see you laters" yelled Becky before driving off. I opened my apartment door and started to go take a shower. After my shower, I stayed in the shower to try to remember all the events that had led me to wake up in Bayley's bed naked. I couldn't remember anything and it pissed me off. How could Bayley do that to me? Why did she fuck me while I was intoxicated? Don't get me wrong I like Bayley but we had sex and we barely knew each other that much. I had feelings for Bayley but now I just feel betrayed. My phone rings knocking me out of my trance. I get out of the shower and sees that Bayley texted me. Oh great!
Bayley😜😁: Sasha I'm sorry😔
Bayley😜😁: we should talk about this I don't want to lose you as a friend.
Bayley😜😁: Please text me back please Sasha
I couldn't text her back so I just put my phone on Do Not Disturb.
Later that night
I was in my living room watching my favorite wrestler Eddie Guerrero wrestle for the wwe championship when I noticed that I was getting sleepy. I shut off my tv and started to head upstairs to get into my bed. After getting into my bed, I started to drift off to sleep. I started to toss and turn and then I woke up and laid in my bed. I grabbed and opened my phone and I was about to text Becky then I started to look at Bayley's text messages. I couldn't sleep so I clicked on Bayley's contact and called her.

"Sasha?" said Bayley

"Bayley I can't sleep and i'm still pissed with you about earlier this morning but can you come over so I can sleep" I said sleepily

"Sure Sasha i'm otw" said Bayley. 20 minutes later, I opened the door And let Bayley inside my apartment. We went upstairs to my bedroom and I got back into my bed turning my back to Bayley, who was setting her phone and backpack on the ground next to my bed. I was staring at my window when Bayley got into my bed and laid there awake. I could feel that she wanted to talk about what had happened that night but I didn't want to talk about it because of the fact that I wanted to tell Bayley how I really felt about her and plus how much I had to enjoy the way she touched me that night. I turned around still upset at Bayley and faced her. God she looked so fucking gorgeous and she's laying right next to me. I tried to hide my face from blushing at the thought of getting a good ight kiss from my crush but I wasn't going to let her know how I felt at the moment. Not now at the least.

"Sasha I know you're staring at me again" said Bayley opening her eyes and looking at me. "I wasn't asleep fully yet."

"well go to sleep then because I don't want to talk to you. I'm still mad at you." I said , rolling my eyes at her. Bayley got closer to the point that our foreheads were touching. It made my heart skip a beat and now there's no way that I could hide my blushing face from Bayley.

"Okay we don't have to talk but I want to fall asleep with a beautiful girl in my arms tho" said Bayley flashing me that heartwarming smile that I fell in love with. As much as I am mad at Bayley at the moment, I couldn't tell her no because I wanted her to hold me in her arms because I felt safe in her arms and plus she's very comfy and warm like my bed.

"Fine" I said annoyed. "only this once Bayley and don't think for a second that I'm not mad at you."

Bayley chuckled softly and pulled me closer to her body as she put her face in my neck. "I'll take that Banks but I am sorry and I hope you can forgive me as I am trying to figure it all out as well but good night Banks" I couldn't stop smiling a small smile but for now I was being held by the girl that secretly has my heart now. After getting comfortable and cuddled up, We ended up falling asleep and i didn't want it end.

You're all I ever wanted {GirlxGirl} (A Baysha love story)Where stories live. Discover now