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Bayley POV
I held Sasha close to me because I knew how emotional and sensitive she was about her father. She didn't have a relationship with her father and deep down I knew she always wanted her father in her life like any girl would want. As Sasha cried in my chest, All I could think about when my papì and I were at the best of terms. I looked up to my papì as my superhero. I really believe that it would help Sasha if she and her father have a sit down and talk.
"Sasha you don't have to say anything but hear me out, I kinda agree with your mom, I think you should meet and have a talk with your father."
Sasha jumped out of my arms and gave me a What the fuck look which was completely normal.
" Bayley you know how I feel about my father. This stranger walked out on me and my brother when I was 2 years old. He hasn't given a fuck about me ever since. What makes you think that I will sit down and talk to this man when he didn't give a fuck about me back then." Screamed Sasha. I stood up and walked to her and grabbed her hand and kissed it. I knew she was hurting and it breaks my heart to see her like this. Sasha's a strong woman and doesn't let things bother her but this particular topic makes her vulnerable. God I hate seeing her cry like this.
"Sasha I know trust me I know but I don't want to not talk to him and regret it in the future. This will help you heal and get the answers you need. I love you and if you want I'll be there from a distance and help you. Just please try to talk to him not for me or your mom but yourself baby." I said kissing her forehead. Sasha was so tensed so I pulled her closer to me and rubbed her back. Eventually she was relaxed and ended up falling asleep in my arms. I kissed her head and thought about what Eren had told me when we had our conversation Earlier. I grabbed my phone and texted Eren.
To Eren:
Hey are you doing anything later tonight?
From Eren:
No I don't think so, What do you have in mind Bayls?
To Eren:
Meet me at philios @8:00pm Sharp I think I'm ready to have the conversation with you
From Eren:
Okay see you then bayls
I put my phone down and thought about my upcoming meeting with Eren. I hope I'm doing the right thing and I really hope no more bad shit happens while I'm back in my hometown. I grabbed Sasha's phone and called her mom and asked her if she could set up the meeting for Sasha and her father and she agreed. I love Sasha so much and I want this for her.
"I love you Sasha" I whispered as I kissed her cheek. I wrote a note and put it beside her pillow and walked out the hotel to go meet Eren. I really hope I am doing the right thing.

You're all I ever wanted {GirlxGirl} (A Baysha love story)Where stories live. Discover now