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Bayley POV
"Mijá listen to me now isn't a good time to tell you what is going on between your mom and I." Said papì as he walked up to me. I was so angry that I didn't realize that I was crying. I needed answers damnit.
"I brought My girlfriend here with me for you to meet but now I'm starting to regret bringing her because of you. You hurt mamà which means you hurt Me papì." I said angrily. I grabbed Sasha and I bags and walked back into the house with tears running down my face. I walked upstairs to the guest bedroom and sat our bags by the closet and just stood there and cried. I couldn't believe my parents are getting divorced. I didn't realize that Sasha was behind me until I felt her arms around my waist trying to comfort me.

Sasha POV
I stood there and held Bayley as she cried. I wanted to know what was going on with my Bayley.
"Babe talk to me what's wrong" I said as I wiped her tears from her face.
"Sasha I really don't want to talk about it. I'll be fine I want you to enjoy yourself and not worry about me so much okay." Said Bayley
"Bayley I hate it when you cry you know this are you sure you don't want to talk about it?" I asked grabbing her hand.
"Sasha just let it go I'm fine let's just get ready for dinner okay" said Bayley grabbing her suitcase. I knew that something was bothering her and I was worried because the only time Bayley acts this way is when something devastating has happened. I wanted to be happy because I was meeting Bayley's family for the first time but to see Bayley like this really gets under my skin. I wanted to cheer my girlfriend up by doing the only thing that makes her happy. I went to our room door and locked it without Bayley noticing what I was doing.
"Ohhh bayleyyyyyy" I sang seductively
"Sasha what are you-Are you serious right now?" Said Bayley blushing.
"Mhm yep I am because I feel like we have time to break in the bed but I don't want it on the bed" I said as I started to finish stripping my clothes off in front of Bayley, whose face is red as a tomato.
"Sasha um we need to get ready for dinner in 45 minutes tho" said Bayley trying to compose herself. I started to walk up to Bayley and I tugged at her shirt and whispered in her ear that made Bayley rethink to saying no to me.
"I want to fuck in the shower right now I'm dripping wet right now and We will still have time to get ready for dinner." I whispered as I started to unbuckle Bayley's belt and shirt. Bayley was stunned and bit her lip as I pulled her to the bathroom by her pants. Bayley got undressed and joined me in the shower and started to kiss my neck as she gripped my breasts making me throw my head back towards her. The steam from the shower started to fog up the shower glass and I turned around letting my hair get wet from the shower and started to tongue kiss Bayley as she grabbed my ass making me moan a lil. Our hands were on the glass leaving our prints as Bayley fucked my drenched and wet pussy to kingdom come. It felt amazing because it was our first time having sex in the shower I had to bite my lip and Bayley covered my mouth to keep my moans silent. Bayley made me climax in her mouth and I returned the orgasmic favor.
25 minutes later
Bayley and I were on the bed tired and clean. I never felt so amazing until now. I love Bayley to death no matter what.
"Bayley I love you" I said kissing her cheek.
"Yea I love you too Beautiful" said Bayley.
"Now that we got that out the way, let's head down for dinner shall we" I said putting on my outfit for tonight's dinner
"We shall because I missed my mamà cooking" said Bayley putting her hair into a ponytail. We finished getting dressed and headed down for dinner. Something tells me that this will not be an ordinary dinner.

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