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Bayley POV
"Sasha, Where you at beautiful?" I said as I walked into Sasha's Apartment with flowers in my hands. For the past month and a half, Sasha and I relationship has been filled with so much love and commitment that I couldn't be more happier to be with someone like Sasha. She keeps me laughing and Always knows how to make me smile. Today is my birthday but it's also Sasha and I's 2 month anniversary of us dating. I haven't seen Sasha all day which was weird so I had texted her earlier to see what was going on with my Girl.
Earlier that day
Me : Hey babe, Wya I haven't seen you in class all day everything good?
Babygirl🔐: Um yea I'm okay just not feeling well today oh happy birthday baby😘
Me: thanks❤️And that sucks I wanted to spend my birthday with you but now I gotta make sure that my girl feels better😊😘
Babygirl🔐:Awww bayls you dont worry bout me I'll be okay trust me and it's your birthday and our anniversary so I have a special gift for you later😊come over around 6 tonight okay I love you❤️
Me: Okay baby😏And will I like this surprise?
Babygirl🔐: You'll see for yourself baby😊😏see you later😘
Flashback ends
I looked down to see a note taped to the couch that says "read Me." I started to smile and nervousness started to take over because I had no idea what Sasha had planned for tonight. I grabbed the note and started to read what the note said:
Here's your first clue to your surprise. Follow the rose petals after reading this note. As you begin to walk take off one piece of clothing. ~Sasha
I didn't understand what the note had meant but I put the flowers on the couch and saw the trail of rose petals going towards upstairs bathroom door which another note was taped to it. In my mind I started to think what the hell sasha was planning but then I remembered that she told me it was a big surprise for me. This girl is very mysterious and I like it. I grabbed the note and opened it reading:
Here's your second clue bayls. Inside this bathroom is 2 items that you'll need to have for your surprise. Find them and put the first item you find on and the second item you hold in your mouth. I'll see you once you get to the final destination of your surprise baby and remember every clue you find, a piece of clothing has to be removed or there will be consequences😘~Sasha
I opened the bathroom and unbuttoned my polo shirt and took it off leaving myself in my bra and pants and my boots. I started to search for the items Sasha mentioned in the note. I searched and searched until I found the items: Dog collar with my name on it and a blindfold
"Sasha banks what the hell is this?" I chuckled to myself. As said in the note I grabbed the dog collar and put it on around my neck and I grabbed the blindfold and walked out of the door where I see the lights in the house was now dark. I was definitely scared until I saw a trail of small lights and followed them. The roses petals were in the trail so at the end of the trail I was a dark room with a glow in the dark note attached to something. I went over and grabbed it and read the note smiling:
Here's your final clue bayls, this note is attached to a chair. Remove 3 pieces of clothing and sit in the chair. After doing so tie your blindfold around your eyes and put your arms on the chair arms and wait. I know you're going to love your surprise Bayley~Sasha
I chuckled and started to take off my pants and boots. I was in my underwear until remembered sasha's note saying I had to remove 3 pieces of clothing so I took off my bra and sat in the chair. The chair was warm so I put on the blindfold and laid back into the chair with my arms on it and waited. My mind was all over the place. What was Sasha planning? I had a very strong feeling that I was about to find out sooner than I thought.

You're all I ever wanted {GirlxGirl} (A Baysha love story)Where stories live. Discover now