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Sasha POV
I woke up to a note on Bayley's side of the bed and I sighed in disappointment. This break is not turning great for the both of us. I sat up on the bed and read Bayley's note:

Mi amour,
Sorry that I'm not there when you woken from your slumber but I haven't been completely honest to you about a couple of things so I hope you can forgive me for them my beautiful butterfly. One the real reason for my sudden disappearances is because of Eren. I know you probably have a confused look on your face but it's not what you think mami. Eren is my family's therapist and a family friend to my mamà. I'm sorry I didn't tell you right away. After everything that happened with papì and the arguments, I didn't want you to think that I wasn't strong like I said I was. Eren has always been there for me either to talk cry and even fight out any emotion I have or feeling while I'm in Washington visiting. I know I've been spending most of our break with Eren and I'll make it up to you baby I promise and two I kinda went behind your back with your mom and asked if she could set up a one on one meeting with you and your father. I love you and I'm sorry but I really think it will help you heal. I'll be back soon I love you
I looked at the letter and was mighty pissed off at Bayley because she went behind my back and sat up a meeting between My father and I after I told her no. Why would she do that! I laid back on the bed and thought why do I need to talk to him for? He wasn't there for me.........
Manically In love Part 1(Sequel to this book coming soon)

You're all I ever wanted {GirlxGirl} (A Baysha love story)Where stories live. Discover now