[29] Her Hatred

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I'm never going to be her. I'm not even supposed to be alive yet here I am.


The sun shine brightly above the group of travellers. This was also the group in which Yona was. Everyone was in a bright mood and enjoying themselves in the river's cool water, soaking their feet or washing their faces.

Yun was sitting and preparing lunch while his eyes would often drift off to the people behind him in the river. He smiled softly as their laughter echoes to his eyes. He was glad that everyone was loosening up but he still felt the abscence of someone.

After Yun and the others had left Port Awa, they were on the look for the Ouryuu. But when they least expected, the Ouryuu or as he introduced himself as Zeno, wandered into their group. Indeed everyone was shocked out of their wits but they all warmed up to the bright little thing soon after.

He covered the pot with the lid and walked over to the tents to get some for herbs for the meal. Inside the tent he was rummaging through his bag for the herbs when a notebook caught his attention. He sighed closing his eyes and running his hand through his pale apricot hair.

That notebook belonged to Rue. He had watched her stay awake many nights either writing in it or reading it, but she never let him take a peek of it's content. Of course this made Yun curious but he respected the female's privacy and dropped the topic.

He shook his head, grabbed his herbs, closing his bag he left the tent with a slightly heavy heart.


At the river everyone was splashing at each other. Hak and Jae-ha were at first standing by the side but Zeno and Kija had drenched them in water and caused them to start a competition. Yona had joined in and Zeno dragged Shin-Ah to join.

They were indeed enjoying themselves. After a long time of travelling all over Kouka, the group had finally found all the dragons. It had been a long and tiresome journey but it definitely helped each and everyone of them to grow as people and individuals.

"Miss! Look at all these fish!"

"Hak, do you think we can catch them?" Yona asked innocently while pointing at the fishes swimming in the clear waters.

"Princess I think we can if we use White Snake's claw." Hak teased with a smirk.

"Disrespect the dragon's claw and I shall use this hand to kill you." Kija threatened back.

"Now, now. Don't fight. Yona-chan we can just use the harpoons back in the tents." Jae-ha tried to reason the others.

"Good idea Jae-ha!" Yona beamed.

"Then why don't we all go? We can have a competition to see who catches the most fish. Right White Snake, Droopy eyes?" Hak snickered.

With that they all went back to camp. Hak and Kija at the very front again bickering. Shin-Ah being harassed by Jae-ha to remove his mask and Yona along with Zeno at the very end talking about the large fish that they saw.

As soon as Hak and Kija entered the camp area they looked up and saw Rue.

"Yo." She grinned, flowers around her.

They ignored her and kept bickering. Jae-ha and Shin-Ah entered next and glanced at her before Jae-ha again began bothering the blue haired male.

Yona and Zeno, who were the last to enter saw Rue who waved to them. They gave a smile and waved back before resuming their gossip about the fish.

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