Chapter Fifteen

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The cut had been much deeper than you anticipated, and Spencer was never going to get over it. It was quite embarrassing when he started telling all the doctors what to do. In a weird way, it was sweet, watching him show how much he cared. 8 stitches later, Spencer was carrying you to his apartment, refusing to let you walk.

At work, Morgan kept sarcastically calling you "tough guy" bc of the nasty bandage that took up a good portion of your shin. You told the team about the run but decided to leave out both the nightmares and Spencer. Even without telling the team, you were sure they knew when he insisted on checking the bandages every three hours. "Spence, give it a rest. She's tough. Plus, it's not like it's infected or anything," Emily piped up as he checked it for the third time that day. You watched Spencer's face harden as he was bent over your leg, luckily instead of snapping at her he chose to explain to her just how often unclean bandages led to infections and how often those infections led to amputations," and as much as you loved him the conversation was making you sick.

You tried to look casual as you walked towards the bathroom. Tara walked in behind you while you leaned against the wall, waiting for your stomach to settle. "So. . . I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say that our very own noodle boy is Jackson." She said, walking towards you. You felt the color drain from your cheeks and stomach clench when she laughed, "Oh, come on! You're telling me that the two smartest people in the building," you leveled a look at her and she ignored it, "really thought they could hide a relationship from profilers?" Tara finished sounding way too smug for your liking. "At first? Yeah. After the thing with Jj? I'm sure everyone noticed at least something was going on. And now that we're practically glued to each other? Yeah, I'm fairly certain everyone knows. But we still don't know how to break it to the team. Officially." You said simply.

Tara contemplated for a moment. She smirked, and your heart dropped as you realized what she was planning. "Tara, no!" You called, but it was too late. She was already at the door. Following quickly behind her, you saw her gathering the whole team, even Hotch. How awkward, it would be like telling your dad you were sexually active. Making eye contact with Spencer, you noticed that he seemed to be enjoying the pandemonium as he came to stand beside you. Tara began speaking, and everyone's eyes kept darting between Tara and you and Spence. "So as I'm sure most of you have guessed we have a 'secret'," she quoted with her fingers, "couple amongst us." Everyone's eyes darted to you and Spence, and it took all of your energy to keep yourself from curling into his side, using him as a human shield. A pause that seemed to last forever hung in the air until Morgan's voice finally broke the tension, "Well, no shit." The desired effect was achieved as everyone broke into laughter, and Spencer slid his arm around your waist.

The rest of the day was spent enduring playful ridicule from the team. In true dad fashion, Hotch congratulated you two while Rossi ruffled both you and Spencer's hair. "I love you both, so if either of you hurts the other, I will end whichever of you it is. Understand?" He said sternly, "uhm. . .sure?" You replied. His sentence had barely made sense, but you thought you got the message. There was a strange tension in the air, it wasn't necessarily bad but you couldn't do anything without the feeling of being watched. Spencer took Tara's unvieling as an opportunity to openly show his affection. He began doing things like holding your coffee for ransom until he got a kiss or kiss your forehead every time he replaced the bandages on your sore leg.

After a long day of sorting through and filling out paperwork, you were finally returning home, well, to Spencer's house anyway. You had driven in together, so this time, there would be no leaving a car behind. "Are you okay with that?" Spencer asked from the kitchen. You were sitting on the couch. "With what?" You asked wholly confused. "Tara breaking the news like that," he said matter of factly, sitting beside you. You pulled him so that he was lying across your chest. "I have mixed feelings about it," you answered honestly, "on one hand I'm glad that she just ripped the bandaid off and we don't have to stress about it any longer, but at the same time it's upsetting that it wasn't in our control, you know?" He nodded against you, his curls tickling your neck and chin as he moved. Spencer was silent, and you felt him trying to stop himself from tensing, brushing his hair away from his face. You spoke, "What's wrong, love?" Spencer began in a rush, "well I know how hard change is for you but I was so excited to be able to actually show how much I love you that I didn't consider the effect my affection would have on you mentally." You were stunned, Spencer was often too smart for his own good. In all honesty his affection did scare you at first, but the team didn't seem to mind so you hadn't much minded after that, "I don't mind at all love, just don't get us in trouble." You said teasingly.

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