Their favourite part of you

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Will Graham 

Will's favourite part of you is your hands. He finds it adorable that they are so petite and easy to hold. He also loves the feeling of holding your hand, as it makes him feel secure and loved. 

During the night, when he can't sleep he fiddles with them and holds them in his until he finally can 

Hannibal Lecter 

Hannibal loves your voice because whenever he hears it, it reminds him of your first encounter at the opera. Even just talking to him garners his undivided attention. You could be talking about gossip from your friends and he would be silent throughout, letting you talk freely and happily...

Of course, he might not really be listening to the gossip you were telling him, but he definitely listens to your voice and can absolutely make it seem like he knows what you're talking about. 😂

Freddie Lounds 

Freddie loves your compassion. Since the first time she saw you, she was taken by how much you cared about Abigail.

She finds that trait of yours extremely attractive and thinks that your kindness is what made her fall in love with you.

Frederick Chilton 

Frederick loves your sense of humour. There is never a moment where you can't make him laugh. Even when he's upset or stressed, he just can't help but smile at the notes you leave in his office.

"Hey, Fred, wanna hear a joke?"

"Sure, sweetheart" he smiles. You hand him a plant. He furrows his eyebrows at you

"Is this the joke?"

"Oh no. I don't have the THYME now. Gotta go, love you!!"

He leans back in his office chair and sighs with a smile.  "What a strange woman I love"

Bedelia Du Maurier

Bedelia loves your eyes. She likes to look into them, and if she could, she would do it all day. It's part of the reason she couldn't be your psychiatrist anymore. She knew she wouldn't be able to focus professionally with your big (e/c) eyes staring back at her.

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