You get back together

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Will Graham

It had been just under a month and Will had never felt more alone. His house no longer felt like home and he felt cold all the time.

He bit back his insecurities as he walked down to the lab. In his right hand was the largest bouquet he'd ever seen and in his left was a velvet box.

He'd given you things before when you'd been together but this time, so much more than your liking for the thing itself was at stake. He would either get you back or watch you slip through his shaking fingers like sand in a storm.

He slowly opened the doors and saw the four of you (Beverly, Jimmy, Brian and you) crowded around a corpse. Not the most romantic setting granted but he knew he couldn't get you to agree to meet him.

Jimmy was the first to see him and poked Brian on the shoulder, who in turn, poked Beverly who alerted you to his arrival.

You looked him in the eye, no expression present. He let out a shaky breath of air and took a step closer.

"What do you want, Graham?" You asked coldly. He flinched slightly at the use of his last name.

"Preferably a second chance... but I'll settle for listening to my apology. You don't have to accept it and you don't have to feel bad for me", his cerulean eyes were glossy and seemed to stare you right in the eyes, "I just wanted to tell you that... I love you and I miss you. I know you said I should have thought about it before I did it but now all I can think about is why I did it. I can't stop hearing your voice inside my head. You're all I can hear..." He looked away and faced the floor.

"you're all I want to hear... when I go home, I can't even sleep in my bed because I hate the fact that you're not there with me. I always felt like I could do anything, one-handed as long as you were holding my other. Now all I have is the thought of you holding it... I can't even sleep at all because the moment I close my eyes, all I can see is the scene of you leaving me". Tears were rolling down his cheeks, falling onto his bouquet of lilies.

You felt your stony facade crumble as you speed-walked towards him. He dropped his items in shock as you wrapped your arms tightly around his waist. "I'm so sorry for what I did. I know it was stupid and I know that because of it, you deserve so much more than this" he wrapped his arms around you, borrowing his face into your hair, relishing in the fact that it was indeed you that he was holding once again after so long. "I don't want to make you feel like you need to stay but I realize that if I don't have you, it's not worth having anything. I'm as much yours as any other stray we'd have picked up off the road. I'll only be happy as long as you are"

His words made you smile into his chest. "You're not a dog, will," you giggled lightly, "you might look like one at the moment but you aren't a dog"

You both parted and he picked up the small box and placed the flowers on a table. You felt your heart rate pick up at the sight of it. "I-is that?" He shook his head. "No. Just something I wanted to give you. To be completely honest, I didn't think I'd get this far" he opened the box and revealed a small silver band, with a braided pattern. "It's a promise ring... I promise that I'm yours for the rest of our lives... that is if You'll have me"

"Do you promise your mine no matter what if I say yes?" You asked hesitantly. He exaggeratedly nodded his head. "Of course"

"then yes. I'm yours, Will"

Hannibal Lecter

He didn't even know where to begin to try and redeem himself of that incident. How could he possibly apologize enough to make you still love him after pushing you down the stairs?

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