Your first kiss

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Will Graham 

You and Will had your first kiss on your third date. You could tell that Will probably wouldn't make the first move, in fear of messing something up, so while on a walk with Will and his dogs, you stopped in the middle of the field. 


You were leaning up against a tree and he stood beside you, smiling down.  After a few minutes of throwing sticks for the dogs, you started talking.

"Will, i really like doing this with you. It's always so perfect" you smile at him.  His eyes widen slightly "I umm. Me too!" He smiles,  awkwardly shifting on his feet. "It really makes me feel normal when I'm with you"

As if on cue, you both turn towards each other shyly wrapping your arms around the other. His head was perched on top of yours. It was an awkward hug but it was loving.

Both hearts were beating rapidly as you pulled away slightly so you could gaze up at him. He looked down at you, eyes flickering to your lips and back to your eyes.

it felt like you were on auto pilot as you gently wrapped your arms around the base of his neck. His hands found themselves at your hips hesitantly gripping them lightly.

It seemed painfully slow as you stood on the balls of your feet, beginning to lean up to him. He breathed out shakily and leaned down to meet you halfway.


The kiss you had shared with Will was very cautious but you could feel the love you felt for each other 

Hannibal Lecter 

The first kiss you shared was at the theatre, watching 'a midsummer night's dream'


The theatre was dim and added to the whimsical ambiance of the play. Both you and Hannibal were watching the scene in amusement. You look at him out of the corner of your eye to see him looking at you too. However, as soon as he makes eye contact with you, he turns back to the screen. You gently squeeze his hand and lay your head on his shoulder. 

Throughout the play you both stay like that and as the lights turn back up, he tightens the grip on your hand and helps you to your feet. As he begins to bring your hand to his lips, you pull it away. He looks at you curiously for a brief moment before you lean up to him, placing your hands on his high cheekbones.

You look into his eyes for a short second and then proceed to lean in to close the gap between their lips.

His left hand weaved into your hair, tugging gently while his right travelled down your spine to your thigh.


Freddie Lounds 

You shared your first kiss with Freddie on a  date to an ice cream parlour. There Isnt much to the story as she just pecked you out of the blue, but she tasted like lemon and coconut.

It was a sweet and child like kiss that showed her playfulness

Frederick Chilton 

Since you both love Going to the pictures, it's only logical that it would happen there


Your head was leaning on his shoulder as the movie began. Normally at a drive in movie, you both would be cuddling in the back seat but it was way to hot and the dark night sky was just too beautiful to ignore...

So this time, you found yourselves on the roof of the car, sharing a bottle of beer while watching the giant screen. Your hands were entwined and his other arm, around your waist.

During one scene, romantic piano music began to play and suddenly, the whole atmosphere changed from goofy and playful to rather heavy and seranading.

You sat there on the roof just looking into each other's eyes for what felt like hours before he finally craned his neck to look you straight in the eye.  His hand gently caressed against your cheek, and as the bright stars shon overhead...

He dipped down and placed a tender kiss on your lips.


The kiss was playful and slightly teasing in its nature. Just like him.

Bedelia Du Maurier

Your first kiss was at a coffee shop. You were originally there as friends but obviously, your bodies said nope to that and you both had a moment.

It was very gentle and hesitant, only lasting a couple of seconds before you both pulled away. 

Needless to say, it was clear to both of you that you weren't 'just friends' with each other...

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