14: New Worlds and New Wonders

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Niomi's POV: 

I open my eyes and am greeted with the most amazing, yet terrifying, but not any less beautiful scene I have ever witnessed. 

We are standing in an empty field, with grass that goes up to my hip. I brush my fingers along the filed grass, admiring the swooshing sound it makes. 

I look around in all directions and see that it is  an open prairie that gives way to a forest to the south and mountains at the north. I walk a few feet towards the trees, but then think better of it and walk towards the mountains. 

When I'm just about to give up, Hazel appears near me with a puff of smoke. She gives a few coughs, waving the smoke away with her hand. After she regains her breath, she grabs my wrist, pulling me in the direction of the forest. 

After a few feet, she lets go and we walk in silence. But I have too many questions. 

"Haze, where are we? And why are we heading towards the creepy looking woods?" I ask, eyeing the trees as they loom closer. She says nothing, but hands me a black cloak. I put it on, tying the straps around my neck and putting the large hood up.

When we enter the forest, I feel very uneasy and on edge. Hazel expertly maneuvers through the maze of trees, but feel like I could lead us to wherever we are going. This place seems familiar, but also somewhat dangerous. 

We are pretty deep into the forest by now, but we have come upon a fallen tree. A huge fallen tree. And there are windows and a door on the tree, also a chimney. I can hear voices from inside, happy, yet sad, voices. 

But before we get even forty feet from the house, there is a sharp birds whistle, and the forest goes quiet. The lights have also gone out in the small cottage. Then, out of nowhere, I get a tingle feeling on the back of my neck and put my hand up. 

A moment later, an arrow hangs, grabbed by my outstretched hand. I don't know what just happened, only that I just caught an arrow in mid-flight. The red-tailed object would have pierced me in the heart, but I was too quick for the shooter. 

Ah, yes, speaking of the shooter, my dagger is in my hand in a flash, turned sideways, ready to fight. A second arrow flies from high in the trees, this time aimed for Hazel, but I jump in front of her and deflect the arrow with my dagger. 

Now, since I know where the shooter is at, I look to the tree from which the arrow came. I lift my arm, pulling it back, towards my head, and let the dagger fly to the shadow climbing down the tree trunk. I hear a a disgruntled yell and I smile to myself. Gotcha. 

I run towards the figure on the ground, pull my dagger out of the figures shoulder, and ready myself in a defensive stance. the attacker lays on the ground, holding their shoulder, small wails of agony coming form their mouth. That's when I hear more voices. 

People have poured out of the small house, five or six of them. They rush up to us, weapons at the ready. When they see me, and the person on the ground, they hesitate. I raise my dagger, ready for a fight. But it never comes. 

The other people suddenly start laughing. All of them. Like hyenas. Hazel is laughing with them. The person who I just hurt is laughing his butt off. I just look around, utterly confused.

"What is going on?" I ask, getting frustrated.

Hazel waves me off.

"Nothing, just th-that you actually just did that. Classic!" She says, grabbing her stomach.

I'm still very confused. I look to the person on the ground, who has their good arm extended, hand up. I grab the strangers hand, pulling them to their feet. The person throws the hood off their head and all I can say is: Wow. 

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