Chapter 6: Two Assholes Start Swinging

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I feel a fist connect to my stomach and it sends me sliding back. The next thing I know my legs are swept out from under me and there is a sword to my throat.

Noth: Never lose control. If you do, you'll just end up getting yourself killed.

C: Says the guy who's whole gimmick is letting rage consume him.

Noth: Yes, but unlike me, you don't have a soul of rage. You might be able to manipulate most emotions, but until you learn to control the anger you have built up, you'll never truly be as good as you can be.

Noth lifts his sword off my neck and puts it on his back. He reaches his hand down and I take it. He hoists me back onto my feet.

C: Aren't you supposed to be the hardened badass that doesn't have a soft side?

Noth: If I was soft I would call the training session there.

He drives his fist into my stomach making me fall to a knee as he turns around and walks a couple steps back. He turns to look at me with a smirk on his face.

Noth: Pay attention, being a smart ass will only get you so far in life.

I wipe the spit off my lips and chin before standing back up.

Noth: Ready C?...C...C.

Shiketsu: C!!


I open my eyes and see the arena.

Shiketsu: C'mon you need to focus on the fight coming up.

C: Right.

E: Well looks like we've got another exciting match ahead of us!

X: Kiru from Dimension 3 versus C of Dimension 13. We didn't get any information from Kiru, so we're all in for a surprise.

E: "Back off shit face, you'll see what I can do when I show it off!" Yeah he made it very clear, so let's just sit back and watch C slam him into the dirt.

X: Mhmm.

Kiru: You ready for this ass beating, Copycat?

C: I don't know where you get idea that I'm copying you, but I'll show you just how original I am.

Narrator POV


C rushes at Kiru, but Kiru dodges to the right and gets some distance.

C: What's wrong? I thought you wanted to fight.

Kiru: Oh I do, but let's make this one quick. Ready Shinketsu?

Shinketsu: Let's kill da hoe!


The undertones of Kiru's hair glow rainbow as Shinketsu gets a longer coat and completely ditches the shirt while having tight pants and combat boots.

C: Fine. No more games.

C pulls down the zipper and transforms.


Kiru: Even the name sounds like mine.

C: It comes from the mistranslated form of sister in Japanese, shisutã. Shi-ketsu. Sister's blood.

Kiru: Didn't ask for the language lesson, dumbass.

C: Like it would kill you to actually expand your brain a little.

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