Chapter 9: F/M/K

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Ryuko POV

I am currently looking for C after he had suddenly disappeared. During my search I run into Noth.

Noth: What's up Ryuko?

Ryuko: Have you seen C?

Noth: No, but Kiru and Adriel are in the bar maybe they know.

Ryuko: Thanks.

I walk downstairs until I get to a large sliding wooden door. I open it and walk in. Immediately I see C, Kiru, Adriel, and Kai all sitting at a table with way more empty shot glasses then I'm willing to count. C is holding a glass before he puts it down and hiccups.

Kiru: Fuck, marry, kill...Nonon, Mako, Satsuki?

C: Fuck... Satsuki. Marry...Mako. Kill Nonon.

Kai just giggles as he slides back in his chair. Adriel meanwhile looks like he's about to vomit.

C: Okay I-I forgot what I was going to say.

Kai giggles more before hiccuping and falling onto the floor. Adriel puts his head down on the table and starts mumbling.

Adriel: mygodauthor-kunpleasemaketthispainstop.

I ignore him and look over at E who's behind the bar.

E: They've been drinking for about half an hour and they're all already so far gone. It's kinda impressive, but not really considering I've been giving them some of the hardest stuff we've got.

Ryuko: Why?

E: It's funny watching them flail around.

I look over and see C and Kiru grab another shot. I walk up as he goes to lift it. I notice Scissors walk up and take Kiru's away.

Scissors: You've had enough.

Kiru: Don't chu tell me when to stop you famn women. Nosey beer eyes.

Scissors: You're so drunk you can't even make sense. Come on, Sis help me out.

Moon: Alright.

They both grab him and lift him out of the stool by his arms.

Kiru: Put me down. Shinketsu stop them.

Shinketsu just giggles at him as he is dragged away. I look over at C and see him put down the shot.

C: Did I win?

He looks around with a goofy smile on his face before he looks up at me.

C: Beaut-i-fuul. It's so nice to C you. Ha...C.

He wraps his arms around my waist and hugs me. He rests his head on my stomach as I hug him back.

C: I love you.

Ryuko: I love you too. Even if you are hammered.

C: Please don't be mad at me.

He sounds so helpless I can't help but to pet his hair.

C: I've just not been good to you and-and-and...

At this point I feel tears through my shirt. I crouch down and look him in the eyes. He's clearly totally gone, but I can see the guilt in his eyes despite how drunk he is. I put my hands on his cheeks and make him look me in the eyes.

Ryuko: I already told you, I'm not leaving you. You aren't going to lose me. Do you understand?

He simply nods and I kiss him on the lips. When I pull away he pulls me into his lap and lays his head on my shoulder. I pet his hair as I hold him close.

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