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         Hello!  SilverHuntress1232 here!  I just wanted to say, that I'll try really really hard to not make this too cliche!  Also, my OC will be introduced in the story, so I won't need to put in a my OCs thing, also, I really like the idea of Hermione, Luna, Ginny, Neville, and Draco being demiwizards, so if you have anything against that, you can see yourself out of this book.  Also, there'll be absolutely no Thalico romance, only friendship at very most.  They're won't be much Solangelo, except for some minor mentions.  If you think this is too cliche, tell me, and I will rewrite it.  

      Also, if there are any problems with casting, or you want to suggest someone else, feel free to comment on it.  I got the casting, and beginning  snippet idea from @Nicegirl5903, so go check out her book!  Thanks for reading!

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