Chapter 6: Travis

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"What the Hades is that?"________________________________________________________________

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"What the Hades is that?"

If you see a fluff warning, and you hate romance, skip it.

"Umm C? Isn't the school in England?" I asked, she smiled, "Yeah, but we're going to use that, to get to England." She explained, pointing to a pole.

"What the Hades is that?" I said, turning to look at my brother, who looked back at me.

"It's a Portkey, Dumbledore * was kind enough to set one up near the train." She explained to us, "All we have 
to do, is touch it at the same time, so touch it, and keep your bags close." We all put a hand or finger on the pole, and all of a sudden, we started spinning up, as it accelerated, it went lower, and we were dropped.  My vision cleared, and a pair of green eyes was right above me.   Katie held out her hand for me to grab, but right before I could touch her hand, she pulled it back.  I groaned, "Seriously Katie-Kat? C'mon, help me up!" I whined.  I noticed CC watching us, smirking.  She reluctantly helped me up, and we followed the others to the train. 


          Once we got on, we looked around for an empty compartment.  We finally found a compartment with a few wizards.  I took out my Omega Phone, earbuds, and listened to Dusk til Dawn to make myself feel sad, so I didn't end up stealing everything Katie and the other magic people's thing.  I think it worked a little too well, so well that I fell 1asleep...on Katie's shoulder.  I mean, normally, in private, it could've been okay, but not in front of total strangers.
              When I woke up, my arms were wrapped around her shoulders, and her head was rested on my chest.  "Are you two dating?" A redhead asked eagerly, waking Katie up.  She looked up at me with a dazed look, thankfully, she didn't scream in terror and jump out the window when she realized who I was, she just went back to sleep muttering something about me being comfy.  Girls.

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