Chapter 14: Draco

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That's not funny at all

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That's not funny at all.


            "Hey Malfoy!" A voice called from behind me, it was Double Potions class next, and I didn't want to be late, because this was the only class I sort of-kind of like.  I turned around, exsasperated.

            "What the [CENSORED] do you want!?" I exclaimed.  Shit, I forgot my accent.  Harry reared back, "Language, Draco.  You don't want your mother finding out do you? Or did she get put in Azkaban?" I turned around and ignored him.

            "I asked you a question, where's your mum?" He taunted.  It literally took all my self-control from screaming, "NARCISSA IS NOT MY [CENSORED] MOTHER!!!", so instead of saying anything, I just turned red from anger.  The next thing he said caught my attention.

           "I heard you're going with Luna to the ball." He stated,  "What'd you do to get her to do that?  The Imperius Curse?  Potion?" Right now, punching him, and whoever told him in the face was on the top of my to-do list. 

           "I asked you a question, are you going to answer it?" I ignored him, "I saw you, Ginny, Neville, Luna, and Hermione in the woods.  Did you curse them too?  Curse them into hanging out with a slimy little Death Eater like you?  Where are Crabbe and Goyle?  Dead, are they?  Or did they finally figure out what kind of person you are?"

           That wasn't funny at all. I thought, he really was asking to die, was he?  Since I couldn't kill him, I used tychokinesis, the ability to give anyone good or bad luck, from my mother Nemesis, to make him trip on his own feet and fall on his face.

          "What was that?  Dark magic?  Did Voldemort teach you that?" "Well maybe you're just naturally clumsy, and maybe I was just trying to get to class while you were too busy falling on your face and looking like an idiot!" I spat, remembering my original goal. "Can you just leave me alone? I'm trying to get to Potions, and you aren't making it very easy." I stated, speeding up.
            "I have Double Potions next too, so you'll have to deal with me for the next hours." Ugh, this is going to be hell.

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