Chapter 7: Ginny

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"I'm not sick, just super excited

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"I'm not sick, just super excited."


               I woke up the next day feeling like people were squeezing my intestines and attempting to take them out (sorry for the visual).  I doubled over in pain and hugged my knees.  Hermione looked down at me in concern, "Ginny, are you alright?" She asked in a British accent.  I groaned, "I don't think so, go to breakfast without me." She shook her head, "You should go to the Hospital Wing, you look green all over.  Also, we're going to Hogsmeade in the morning today, so Draco, Luna, and Neville wants to have a meeting behind the Three Broomsticks."  She said, "The new students and the students who didn't help with rebuilding are arriving today also, and I don't think you'd want to be sick when welcoming them." I got up shakily, and followed her over to the line for Hogsmeade.

            "Are you sure you're fine?  You look really sick." Hermione asked, once we got behind the building, I changed my looks, "I'm not sick, just super excited." I explained, she nodded.  "Me too, it's been seven years since we've seen Annabeth, or the Stolls. 

             We went deeper into the woods to the picnic table we built a couple years ago.  There was a rustle of leaves, and our reflexes made us immediately snap our fingers.  "Guys, chill, it's just us." Draco said, and we saw three figures walking towards us.  He rolled our eyes, "Warn us next time, almost thought you guys were monsters or something."  Hermione protested.  "Yeah yeah, sure, whatever.  Anyways, Annabeth is coming, I IM-ed her last night.  She said the Stolls, Percy Jackson, Thalia Grace, and a couple others are coming." Luna clarified, rolling her eyes as they sat down.  There was another rustle.

            "That's probably a rabbit or something, I caught one trying to eat my salad once." I acknowledged.  They agreed,  "Thankfully, I'm pretty sure Clarisse isn't coming." Luna added, we all sighed in relief, "Thank gods, she hates us with every bone in her body, especially you, Drake, when you put pink paint in the shower, and super glued glitter to everything in the Ares cabin." I breathed.  "It technically wasn't my fault- actually it was my fault, but whatever- I can't help my sudden urges to get revenge, blame my mom." He defended, we laughed, "Yeah, totally, it wasn't your fault when you painted the Iris cabin black, or dyed your own girlfriend's hair green." Luna  said sarcastically.  Draco faked hurt, "I said sorry!  And I only did it 'cause you stole my sword right before Capture the Flag!" He whined.  A bell rang in the distance.  

          "Ugh, this went by way too fast, come on, let's go before people start getting suspicious." Neville reasoned.  We heard footsteps running away, and we froze.  We looked around, and saw two very familiar wizards running away...

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