Chapter 3: Percy

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"That's impossible

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"That's impossible...right?"

              The group advisor, Hecate, explained what we had to do.  We had to pretend to go to the Olympian Elite Magic and Combat Academy, and our powers were all just elemetal magic.  Oh wait, I think it's elemental magic.  Or is it elementrary magic?  I forgot, but the next thing she said, blew my mind. 

"You will have to teleport across the sea."

              "That's impossible...right?" I asked, looking at her like she was crazy.  Instead of smiting me, or turning me into some kind of animal, she just smiled,  "I will do the teleporting, you will meet your guardian at the area." We groaned.  "Who's the guardian?  Coach Hedge?" Annabeth asked sulkily.  Hecate smiled, "No, not that satyr, it's a woman you know, Chloe-Claire?" She asked.  Our faces brightened.

             CC's my stepsister, a child of Amphitrite.  She was originally a daughter of Poseidon and Amphitrite, but she got kidnapped by Zeus, memory wiped, and sent to live with a mortal.  I know, harsh. During the Titan War, Luke drugged Poseidon into disowning her, causing her to lose horse talking power, and earthquake power that I have (not bragging) and now she's basically Zeus's servant along with other poor immortal demigods.  She also used to apprentice with Hecate, and she can do cool magic curses, but they're mostly pain curses, so they aren't that cool when all of a sudden you feel like you've been stung by a scorpion. 

          Anyways, she's better than Coach Hedge, so we were relieved, especially Travis and Connor.  When she was still at camp, they became good friends, but she's also best friends with their dad, Hermes, so dating would be weird, plus they were already like siblings.

         Anyways (I say this a lot), we disappeared in a flash of gold light, and ended up at a desert with suitcases, new clothes on, a wand in our pockets, and sudden knowledge of the wizarding world.  Wow, those words make me sound smart! 

        I looked at my clothes, I was wearing shorts, and a green T-shirt.

       "Hey, over here!"  A voice called from behind us.  A girl with jet black hair, with purple highlights called to us, CC.   We went over.  "Hey guys, this is the Sahara Desert."

(A/N Yay,  I posted it early!)

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