I Like That One

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(A/N: Trying something new here! If it sucks, I'm sorry!) 

Diane had been pestering Kylo for weeks about needing a nanny. Since he had agreed to let her follow her stupid little dream of rubbing crystals and plants on people, she insisted that a nanny would be needed. Kylo failed to see the need as the live in maid always took care of the child when Diane wasn't home, which was rare. He had made it very clear to her when she found out she was pregnant that she would be responsible for it. He just simply didn't have the time. Not to mention his recent plan to secretly file for divorce.

But Diane would eventually win the fight. Anything to shut her up. On a rare occasion, Diane got Kylo to sit down with her and search for a nanny. They used this elite agency that all of their colleagues used. The exclusive, password protected website was strange. It listed out the nannies like a dating site: their headshot, their likes, their dislikes, their experience. It was like being on a dating show. Kylo was halfway paying attention as he sat next to Diane at the kitchen counter, scrolling through the potential nannies.

"This one seems nice," Diane pointed to a young redhead who had never been placed with a family but had impressive credentials. Kylo gave her a "hm" as he sat there completely bored.

"Gonna need a little bit more input from you, Kylo. This person will be spending, like, nights with our child," she looked at him with a concerned face. "You could at least look at the selection."

Kylo turned his eyes to the screen not enamored in the slightest. Diane continued scrolling among the list of over qualified names. Kylo pointed to a random girl to feign participation in the conversation. Hopefully that would hurry this process up. He yearned for the days where this wouldn't be his reality anymore.

"I like that one," Kylo said, his voice dull. Diane beamed.

"Yay! Let's see what she's about," Diane clicked on the profile and began reading aloud about her qualifications, and Kylo was zoning out. That was until he noticed the girl's headshot that followed the current one. Kylo's attention pulled to her picture, her striking features interesting him, pulling him in. She may have been the most beautiful person he had ever laid eyes on.

"Wait, wait, not this one. That one," he pulled a random fact from her mini bio to make her sound more qualified than this one, "she's been with a family for 6 years, click on her."

Diane gladly obliged, clicking on the beautiful girl's profile. Diane was reading about her litany of accomplishments in nannying, but Kylo was focused on her face. He had no clue why she was having this effect on him, but he needed her, he needed to know her.

"That's the one, you can go ahead and call them," Kylo said keeping his interest in this woman to himself.

"Fantastic! I am so happy we did this together, Kylo," Diane placed a hand over his. His skin crawled at her touch.

"Yeah, me too," he lied. Her hand finally moved as she stood to go make the phone call. "Now don't you turn into some cliche and start fucking the nanny, okay!?" She joked as she left the room, throwing her head back in laughter. Kylo's eyes rolled so far back into his head it hurt. He had no intentions of fucking the nanny, but that made him want to. Diane was so annoying. He looked back at the screen, the beautiful girl's face smiling widely. He read her name aloud.

Her name felt like candy on his tongue, sweet and graceful.

It was her first day in the house. Kylo had anticipated seeing her in person, but he couldn't let her distract him from his work. He was already trying to get rid of one woman in his life, he really didn't need another. Snoke had always told him women were the detriment to men. However, Snoke had encouraged and virtually coerced Kylo into marrying Diane. It was the worst decision of his life. Diane had clearly married Kylo for his riches and power, and he had married her to invest in her father's company. Snoke knew that Diane's father would only give up his shares of the company if it were to family, so Snoke convinced Kylo it was a good thing. It was a horrible decision, and he had regretted it from the night of their marriage. Diane was simple and stupid. She only wanted him for security to keep living her rich life. Plus, the sex was awful. She only believed in having tantric sex, and Kylo was far from a tantric sex man. That's why it rarely happened between the two of them. Only when he was desperate for a cum.

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