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No matter how hard I tried to control my powers and keep them suppressed, they just always managed to make an appearance whenever Y/N was around.

My powers...they weren't really dangerous but could be used in dangerous ways.

You could call people like me Mind Whisperers.

We were completely human, down the last drop of blood in our veins but our kind possessed the all-consuming power of erotic hypnosis that could drive anyone crazy.

And humans of our kind were usually born with extraordinary beauty and charms.

No one really knew from where the powers came from except that they were inherent since birth and weren't necessarily hereditary.

There were very few of our kind in the world but it was a well-known fact that wherever a mind-whisperer goes, his or her aim is to always find that one person that makes them lose control of their powers.

Someone that is so advertently or  inadvertently capable of resisting our powers that we find ourselves unconsciously exercising the hypnotic powers in full swing whether we want to or not.

It was out of our control and there was nothing we could do to keep our secret from that one person—like a grenade whose pin has already been pulled and is bound to explode.

"Hey Jin," A voice pulled me out of my thoughts and I smirked seeing that it was yet another one of my victims.

"Hello, Lina. I thought I said we were over already." A small smile played on my lips even when my words were harsh.

I could feel her tense up, hear the poor girl's heartbeat quicken as the rational part of her mind fought with the reckless one, conflicted whether to be alarmed at the unwelcoming words or be drawn in by the oh-so-tempting smile.

I could see it.

I could see it all as Lina's eyes darkened and her lips formed a slow smile as if in a daze.

"Awww, come on baby." She pouted. "Don't be so heartless. We can try going out again. I promise I'll be better."

I shook my head, chuckling. "There are so many girls who'd be better for me, Lina. What makes you special?"

I felt a kick of energy in my stomach as I wrapped a finger around her wavy, blonde locks and caressed it invitingly.

This energy was what fuelled our power, increasing a mind whisperer's hunger for appreciation, admiration and the desire to be seen as attractive.

But this stealthily stolen energy was never enough. It wasn't the best we could get. It was a temporary measure to help us survive until we found the one that would share their energy willingly.

As I leaned in to further my game with Lina, my eyes zeroed in on Y/N as if automatically drawn to her. It was like a bolt of thunder shooting through my spine as our eyes met, the air crackling with invisible energy as her hazel eyes blinked up to stare at me unwaveringly.


I felt the hypnosis breaking as my mind completely wandered off Lina and the only thought that filled my brain was Y/N, Y/N and Y/N.

Disoriented, Lina broke away from me and backed off, her face contorting into an expression of confused surprise as if she didn't remember why she was here with me.

Her breath was erratic as she looked around completely out of her senses. Shaking her head and cursing herself for approaching me again even after I'd already dumped her, she stomped away.

The hair on my skin stood up as I processed Y/N's unwavering gaze on me.

My breath whooshed out of my lungs as like I'd been punched in the stomach and I straightened.

She was looking at me as if staring would get her the answers she needed because judging from the frown that marred her beautiful face, she was clearly still frazzled about yesterday's not-so-little cafe incident.

I cursed myself for losing control of my power and actually building that world of make-believe for her.

Whatever she saw, although created by me, was a harmony of mine and her's desires because even if it was me who had conjured up that whole image in the misty dark area of her somewhat susceptible mind, it was just a personification of what she and I wanted most in that moment.

She, a luxurious cup of hot coffee, and me. A chance to meet her in a situation where she wouldn't be that wary of me.

But it had failed.

I had failed.

Although getting into her mind had been easy, getting out was a huge struggle. Y/N was an extremely cautious girl. One little disturbance and her mind closed down like a prison with no escape.

I showed her what I wanted to but I couldn't convince her to believe that what she was real. She broke the spell the moment she flung the money onto the table and stepped outside, fully conscious that she was not, in fact, in the real world.

She had broken through the strong web of my hypnosis and she had triggered something that would either end very well or in a total catastrophe.


He was staring at me and I could feel tingles go up my body. Even if my heart threatened to explode in my chest, I refused to look away and continued to stare back stubbornly.

Sure, he was undeniably attractive but I wasn't about to let him go around messing with me.

When I didn't stop staring, Seokjin finally let out a sigh and lowered his gaze. Annoyed at his strange behaviour, I snapped my locker shut and stalked towards him.

What was up with all these cold sighs and shoulder drops?

If he wanted to talk to me, he could simply approach me in his signature pompous style.

Who'd stop him? There was no one around here who dared to object to anything he did anyway so why hesitate? What game was he playing? Staring at me all hot and bothered one moment and sulking the next?

I clenched my fists, determined to talk to him. We had a lot to discuss.

Even if I was to let his today's behaviour slide, what happened yesterday was certainly not something I could ignore.

It wasn't normal and no matter how hard I tried, I could not forget about it.

Already planning the conversation in my mind, I hesitated as I neared him.

Staring up at him with helpless eyes I looked back down at the floor where my red ballet flats seemed to be stuck to the shiny marble, rendering me motionless.

I can't do it!

My brain screamed.

He's too handsome. Oh. Oh my heart.

Almost angry at myself, I changed my path and hoped that I could walk right past him without my little pause being noticed.

I meant to walk confidently up to him and question him about yesterday but with less than a metre of ground separating us, I just couldn't think straight.

It was like all of my annoyance and anger disappeared into thin air leaving my mind a confused, lovesick, befuddled mess.

"Ohh, I hate myself." I almost cried as I stiffly marched past Seokjin who was still leaning against the wall casually.

Why did he have to be so fucking gorgeous?

He always rendered me speechless.

"Who's so fucking gorgeous, sweetheart?"
A sharp gasp fell from my lips as I was pulled back and hurled into someone's embrace.

"Jin," I muttered quietly.

His eyebrows rose as he flashed me an amused grin. "Jin? As in 'oh, it's Jin' or as in 'Jin is so fucking gorgeous'? Which one is it, baby?"

"The former." I snapped, lying through my gritted teeth. "Now if you'll let me go."

Who Are You? | K.SJ (18+) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now