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"Okay, first order of business," Aja said as Krel invited (Y/n) into the mothership's house form. The Queen-in-Waiting was holding a box and judging by the giddy look on Zadra's face, the lieutenant already knew what was inside. 

"No," she said, backing away. 

"I've got to go grab something real quick," Krel said, hurrying back to the fireplace and ducking into the mothership's interior. "Don't kill each other for two minutes, okay?" The fireplace slammed shut and Aja pulled out one of the boots. 

"Okay, these cost like, thirty dollars, though, and apparently that's expensive," she said, setting the box on the coffee table and looking over the boot. 

"Just try them on, please," Zadra said. (Y/n) eyed her mother. Her being unprofessional for two minutes over something as simple as red boots? She gave a loud groan and made a big show of dragging her feet over to the former princess. Aja handed her the boot she had in her hand, fetching the other one. (Y/n) sat on the couch and took her normal shoes off, replacing them with the red boots. She stood up, looking curiously at them. 

"Okay...," she said reluctantly. "They are kind of cute." The fireplace whooshed open again and Krel walked out holding some sort of device. He set it on the kitchen counter, walking back over to them and looking at the lieutenant. 

"Nice boots," he commented. "I like them. They suit you." (Y/n) stiffened, then in two swift motions grabbed the boots and chucked them as hard as she could down the hallway. Aja started laughing while Krel and Zadra just looked confused. "Was it something I said?" 

"First order of business down," the lieutenant said, putting her old shoes back on and dusting her hands off. "Second order of business." 

"Toby and Eli want to do some more filming, see how much we can get done today," Krel said. 

"We will be 'working from home'," Zadra said. She walked down the hallway, probably to retrieve the boots. (Y/n) grabbed Krel's arm. 

"Okay mother, see you later!" she called. "Not you," she added when Mother started to say goodbye. 

"Don't offend her," Krel protested as the lieutenant slammed the door shut. He stroked it. "This is her." 

"Sorry," she mumbled. 

"Are you okay?" the King-in-Waiting asked as they started towards Toby's. "You've been extra snappy lately." 

(Y/n) almost blurted out that she was frustrated that Morando was puppy guarding her, but first, that would sound weird, and he didn't know. She took a deep breath. "I'm fine," she said shortly. 

"Is it because of the Kleb or Alive script or something?" 

"You could say it's something similar." She realized she was still gripping his arm and quickly released it, quickening her pace to walk ahead of him. 

"Did I do something?" Krel asked, hurrying his own pace to catch up with her. "We're going to need to work together if we're going to defeat Morando, and I especially don't want to be on your bad side when we do." 

"Since when did you care?" She couldn't stop herself and she cleared her throat. "I mean, since when did it matter so much whether or not you're on my good side?" 

"Well, you're my friend, (Y/n), and we all care about you." (Y/n) puffed out a breath. 

"Krel, do you remember when we were around 10 years old?" she asked, hugging herself. 

"Vaguely. Those were not very interesting keltons." Ouch. 

"Well, I remember them. My mother told me I was destined to guard you, that when you became the king and Aja the queen, I would be like her. I would be the lieutenant in the Akiridion guard, and perhaps your friend." She turned her head away from the King-in-Waiting. "And...and you ignored me. Entirely. Do you know how many times I walked through that palace? I kept getting lost trying to find you because you always ditched me." 

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