~chapter 14~

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This was made by the amazing AnnaMcNinney

Okay on with it!!



Eliza POV

Herc, as the designated mom friend, had me, Angeliburr, Laf, and Theo and Paine in the car. We were going to pick up alex from the forest he ruined.

We were all in hercs minivan and there was a lot going on. Paine was yelling at theo to stope poking him. "I'm not even touching you" "STOOOOPP" "bro chill I'm barely even touching you" "HERC IM BEING HARRASSED" "HERC LOOK IM NOT EVEN TOUCHING HIM LOOK HOW SENSITIVE HES BEING"

And I was in the middle of those two so I decided to switch with Paine. Yey now I have a window seat!!!

Angie was in the back with burr and an empty seat cannoodeling

Whatever that is.

Laf was in the front with Herc pushing all the buttons. "How about zis one?" *slap* "don't touch that" "I'm just curious mon amour"

Oop laf just called Herc my love

Herc is a flustered boi now. He went completely stiff and didn't say anything as a big red blush rose from his face.

I decided to take a picture for Peggy. It's what she would've wanted

The car came to an abrupt stop and we all jerked forward. Well almost all. I didn't bc Theo held onto me. I love her so much...

"Jesus Herc" Aaron said rubbing his bald coconut of a head.

"Sorry I was... distracted. Anyways we're at where alex said he was. "

I looked out the window and saw- oh lord in heaven...

Imagine the Lorax's forest after all the trees were cut down. That's what this was.

There was a quiet jiggling of a door handle and then the car door opened. Everyone was silently staring at the mess Alex made as he got in the way back with angeliburr.

"Drive" Alex said

"But how-"


Herc gave a worried look to Alex but started the car.


"Alex why-"

"Not important"

No one spoke for another ten minutes but then I locked eyes with Theo and we both started hysterically laughing. No amount of whines from Alex or shushes from momma Herc could stop us. Soon enough angie and laf joined in then everyone else.

"GUYSSSSS" Alex pouted

Thomas J POV

Peggy and I were driving around looking for John but no prevail. Soon we came to a closed road and saw a hell of a lot of caution tape.

There were flashing lights and sirens (weeeoooooweeeooowoaaaaaaaaooooothis is for you kaitlyn)

"Crapadoodledoo" muttered Peggy

"What is it" I asked. Then an ambulance pulled out of the lot toward a large building I could only assume was the hospital.

"Oh no"

She jumped on the gas and sped right through caution tape and pieces of car.

"WHY WE GOING SO HECKING FAST PEGGY LIKE WOAAAAAAH" i screeed, my floof flying behind me.

{Sketches}~ Lams modern soulmate AUWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu