~chapter 15~

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Peggy POV

I ran up to John's empty bed and squealed in shock. "JEFFERSON!! He's gone!!!"

"WHA-" he replied looking around.

I poked my head out of the room to check the number.

"Maybe we're just in the wrong room!!" I gave a nervous laugh. Nope this is the room.

"Crap where is he?"

"Where is who?" Asked a very farmiliar voice

John POV

All I wanted was coffee.


but no I get jump scared and then tackled in stead.

"OMIGOSH JOHNY I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD" cried a muffled peggy from side the tight hug.

"Dang it Peggy you spilled his coffee" muttered a voice from the other side of the room. I glanced over to see Jefferson. Wait... why is he here. Why aren't him and Peggy fighting?

Okay he had a point about the coffee though. When Peggy launches herself at me it had kinda shot out of my hand. So that wasn't fun...


Alex POV

I got a text from peggy saying she found John and that he was okay.

"GUYS THEYRE AT THE HOSPITAL" there was a shriek from the car engine as Herc did a full 360.

Everyone held onto their seatbelts and handles so we didn't fall out.

I needed an explanation on what John texted the group chat. I don't care if it's selfish. If he really likes me, oh I don't even know what I'd do. I never really had a crush before him. I don't know how to deal with them.

Do I tell him? What happens if he was joking or changed his mind? What if he wasn't?

These questions flooded my mind as Hercules raced at 100 miles per hour toward John.

"Do y'all want any music?" Asked Herc from the front.

"OMG PLAY CAR CHASE MUSIC" squealed Paine.

Herc nodded and poked some buttons.

"Rubber duckie your the one! You make bathtime lots of fun-"

"W-what is this" I asked kinda scared.

"Oh sorry guys this is the wrong file. This is from a clip of Jefferson singing in the shower that I saved I'll just turn it off-"

"NO" everyone yelled.

"Don't turn it off this is perfect blackmail!" I said excitedly jumping in my seat.

"Mh yea I'm in the tub with bubblies"

Oh my gosh he's rapping. I thought.

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