Chapter 7

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Andy pov

We walked into the tuxedo store where Danny and James were waiting for us they smiled when they seen us walk in hello Mate hey guys they were already trying on tux's and I got to admit they look good in them they pulled me into a bro hug then let go to hug Ava she smiled don't you guys look handsome

They both said thank you as she sat down on a stool James was the first to speak so what do you guys think is it to much to little what ?

I looked at them they honestly look really great in their outfits I smiled you guys look amazing it's not to much or to little it's just right

They smiled so these are the ones?

Me and Ava both nodded our heads the guys stepped down from the stands and headed to the fitting rooms after waiting a few minutes they walked out with the tuxedos on their arms

They paid and we left where to next they were about to answer before Ava interrupted and asked what color was James wedding gonna be James looked confused before answering light blue

Ava nodded her head as and said our next stop was gonna be a dress shop I asked how the guys got there when I noticed that Ava car was the only one in the parking lot Danny answered um a taxi mate why I rolled my eyes Get in the car so you guys don't have to waste anyone money and before you guys ask if we're sure yes we are now let's go instead of fighting with us they listened and hoped into the back

As Ava drove us to a dress shop here we go

After a 10 minute car ride Ava finally parked in front of a dress shop we got out and went inside my sister automatically going for the dresses I hurried up and texted Cameron to ask what his wedding colors were so I can let Ava know

It's not that I don't like shopping with my sister it's just she gets a little crazy when shopping I waited a few minutes before I got a reply from Cameron I read the message Lavender and it's a beach wedding so tell Ava dress light I replied with a thank you before finding my sister

Once I spotted her I went up to her it looked like she had already five blueish dresses in her arms she looked up yes Andy ? Cameron said his colors are a lavender for his wedding and to dress light since it's at the beach

Ava nodded her head as she spotted lavender dresses she grabbed a couple and headed to the dressing room where me , James and Danny sat and waited for her.

After spending 40 minutes watching my sister try on different dresses she finally decided on A strapless baby blue dress that came up to her knees and a long lavender one strap dress once she changed back into her regular clothes and she paid we left

Ava drove us to a Applebee's since we were all pretty hungry once she parked we headed inside the hostess seen that there was only four of us so she brought us to a booth in the back she sat the menus down and left

I picked mine up and looked at what there was to eat I just decided on eating a chicken salad since I riding eat healthy really while on tour I know that's a bad thing but it's hard when your traveling constantly a waitress that couldn't be more than 17 came up

And started fan girling when she seen us I suspect that she's a fan we smile at her as she continued to fan girl we waited until she calmed down she smiled I'm so sorry I'm just a really big fan of your guys music I smiled at her no need to be sorry it's alright

She smiled back before saying what we will like to order we all ordered our food but before she left she looked at us Um would it be okay if I got pictures and autographs by you guys I'll understand if you guys don't feel like it i just thought I'll ask ?

I smiled at her it's not a problem at all will love to she handed me her notepad and we all signed it and we all took individual pictures with her before taking a group picture she smiled and thanked us again before waking away to place our order.

Ava brought up the Pierce The Veil concert and Sleeping with Sirens concert asking if I was still gonna go with her I let her know that. I still was just to check out who these guys are .

40 minutes later

We just paid for our food and left after telling our waitress Sarah goodbye she seemed like I nice person you don't meet those kind of fans to often some fans just want a picture or an autograph they don't really care about us it's just that we're "popular or hot" to them so they act like their interested in us

When in all reality their not I sighed I can go on and on about this topic but I decided against it right now is not the time Ava let me drive her Jeep back

I drove Danny and James back to their  vacation house that they we're renting while they we're visiting and it's really not that far from mine and Ava's house.

I stopped the car in front of their house and said my goodbyes to them we agreed that will see each other either tomorrow or the next day once I seen them get inside of the house I started driving us back to our house.

10 minutes later

I parked the Jeep and got out my sister followed me up to the front door as I unlocked it and opened the it for her she thanked me and went inside I sighed these next few months are gonna be eventful.

Andy Biersack sisterΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα