Chapter 26

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Ava pov

I just watched Ben leave for his bachelors party and if I'm being honest I already miss him but i know it's only for a few days so I'll live I sat down on the couch and tried to finish the invitations To my baby shower next weekend we already know the genders of our children we're having two boys

I'm really excited because I know that I wouldn't of been able to handle two girls because of their attitudes Ben was really excited when he found out that we were gonna have boys although I know that he wants girls two

Maybe in a few years we can try again for a girl but as of right now I'm just happy to have healthy children that's all I could ask for

Once I got over my laziness I finally finished the invitations yay one less thing for me to do with all this wedding planning and baby shower planning I've been kinda stressed it's frustrating how these things take up so much time ugh

I made sure that all my invitations had a stamp on it before putting all of them in a stack so they can get mailed out I grabbed all of them with my purse and keys and headed to the postal office I made sure that they were all in the mail box before driving away

I dialed Sammi phone number and put her on speaker

Hello ?

Hey Sammi

Hi Ava how are you and the babies ?

We're all good how are you and Jinxx ?

We're good what's up ?

I was just wondering if you'll like to have a girls sleepover for my bachelorette party since I can't really drink or anything but we can watch a bunch of scary movies and eat junk food how does that sound

That sounds awesome what time and day are we doing this ?

How about tomorrow and you guys can come over whenever you like I don't mind

Okay see you tomorrow sweetie I love you bye

I love you to bye

I hung up the phone now to call Ella I called Ella and she agreed to come over tomorrow to

I'm so excited that I got them to come tomorrow this is gonna be so much fun I haven't had a girls day in so long I'm always surrounded by all these men except for Juliet of course but she's on her honeymoon with Andy right now so I don't have another female in the house with me

Once I was home I made sure that everything was clean and not thrown everywhere once the living room was picked up I swept the floors and mopped them I swept and mopped that bathrooms to and wiped down the sink

I sat down for awhile because my back started hurting my boys were kicking me like crazy I smiled just 6 more months and they'll be here I'm excited to finally hold them I really am

The day for me seemed to go by slow after I stopped cleaning I made me a grilled cheese and a water I'm just happy that I can finally eat more things now except for banana oatmeal

Once I was finished eating I quickly washed my dishes I made sure that I didn't leave anything in the living room before heading upstairs to take a quick shower

Once I made it up the stairs which is a bit of a challenge now since the twins are growing but I still manage I pulled out one of Ben shirts and a pair of underwear I headed to my bathroom and started the shower once the temperature was the right one I got in

I quickly washed my hair and body because I was getting to tired to be able to focused once I rinsed my hair and body off I got out I wrapped a towel around my body and hair

I brushed my teeth once I seen my reflection I can see how dead beat tired I was I had bags under my eyes I just need a good nights sleep and I'll be good once I was done brushing me teeth and my hair I put on my clothes and headed to my bed I laid down on my back and fell asleep.

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