Chapter 31

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Ava pov

Tomorrow was my due date I was a little nervous don't get me wrong I was prepared for it though me and Ben finished up their nursery last week so everything was set up for them I just finished packing my over night bag I was very uncomfortable right now I changed into my  pjs and got into bed

1 am

I woke up because I felt pressure I got up and felt my water break fuck I went to the bathroom and got a towel to wipe it up  once I was done I woke up Ben

Baby wake up my water just broke

My husband shout up and quickly got dressed he picked up the over night bag as we rushed to the car I was taking deep breaths because the contractions were becoming more frequent every two minutes I had one I seen my brother and Juliet looking half asleep running to the car once everyone was in Ben rushed to the hospital

By the time we got to the hospital the pain was becoming more unbearable Ben had me in his arms while Andy was yelling that I was in labor 

A nurse came running how far apart are the contractions ?

Every two minutes

She ran and got me a wheel chair before pushing me to this big room to hook me up the the machines once I was hooked up to the machines a doctor came running in to check how dilated I was only 3 centimeters so I had to wait a little bit

I asked for an epidural I was holding onto a bar and Ben when I felt the needle go through I don't know what hurts more the damn needle or the contractions once the needle was out I was allowed to lay back down

Andy and Juliet we're asleep in the two chairs I smiled I'm so happy that they were able to be in here with me and not just Ben

Ben kissed my forehead try to get some sleep love ok ?

I nodded and closed my eyes

2 hours later

I woke up and seen that Ben , Andy and Juliet we're still fast asleep it was now 3 am I sighed and got up to go to the bathroom once I was done I was my hands and laid back down and went back to sleep

I woke up to the doctor saying if he can check me I looked at the time and it was 6 am I gave him the okay to check me he told me that I was ready to push

I woke up the others Ben had one hand and Andy had the other Juliet was recording which I couldn't be bothered with right now I took a deep breath and pushed after 6 minutes one of my boys was out

Baby A was born at 6:10 am

I took a break for a minute so I can calm my breathing before going back to pushing it seems to me that this ones stubborn I was about to give up when Ben and Andy started telling me that I could do it I took another deep breath and started pushing I heard my other sons cry and I stopped I'm exhausted

Baby b was born at 6:35 am

Once my babies where clean they were handed to me I smiled one of them had pitch black hair and the other one had brown hair I kissed both of their heads

Welcome to the family little ones

Juliet was crying so was Andy  I looked at Ben and his eyes were watering I handed him one of our sons and he smiled I handed our other son to Andy

Andy rocked him back in forth 

Hey little one I'm your uncle Andy I promise to show you all my Batman collection and all the movies and how to annoy your mother.

I heard my baby make a noise like he was agreeing with Andy oh no here we go

Andrew don't start their only a few minutes old and your trying to get them to be trouble makers I'm done

The nurse came in with their birth certificates baby A was first I wrote down  Ethan James Bruce and signed it I handed it to Ben so he can sign next was baby B

Mitchell Adam Bruce I signed it then handed that one to Ben

I was so tired I ended up falling asleep again

The next morning

We just got discharged from the hospital now me and Ben were on our way home the drive felt short I was really sore and tired still ugh once Ben parked the car  he helped me get out I grabbed Mitchell and he grabbed Ethan it was easy to tell them apart because Mitchell had black hair and Ethan had brown.

I unlocked my door with my free hand and walked in why is my house dark ?

I switched on the light to see everyone they all jumped out and said welcome to the family Ethan and Mitchell I smiled when I noticed that Katelynne was here she was holding a little Copeland

I walked into the living room and showed. Her the boys look who just came home Copeland your best friends

I let Mitch hold Mitchell he was a little emotional when he found out that I named him after him and a bit confused so I let him know that he was gonna be their god father

Mitch squeezed me I'll be honored to be their god father

I squeezed him back

I'm so happy now I have an amazing husband amazing children that our healthy and an amazing ass family my world is complete.

Andy Biersack sisterWhere stories live. Discover now