Chapter 28

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Sammi pov

The next morning I woke up before Ella and Ava I decided on making breakfast for everyone I got up and headed into the kitchen I pulled out the pancake mix and pan I stirred the mix together and started pouring them on the pan once I was done making the pancakes I put them in the oven

I started cutting up the fruits and making coffee once those were done I placed them on the table I seen Ella and Ava walk into the kitchen

Morning girls

Morning Sammi

I handed them both a cup of coffee which they both took

Thanks Sammi

I nodded my head and told them to sit down while I got the pancakes I sat the pancakes on the table with the syrup we all began eating

Do you have the baby shower decorations yet ?

No I don't will you girls like to go shopping with me today for them

Me and Ella both said yes

-After breakfast-

We all headed to party city we were walking down the baby shower isle when Ava picked out a nightmare before Christmas theme

Guys I love this we're doing the nightmare before Christmas theme I don't care what anyone says we're doing it

I smiled and picked up the banner , streamers , cups, plates , napkins and table decorations we headed to the front of the line and paid real quick

We stopped at boba time because I was craving matcha tea boba once Sammi parked the car we headed inside I let Sammi know what I wanted because the twins were kicking me in my ribs so I had to go sit down

I sat down at a near by booth and pulled out my phone I haven't talked to Ben in two days I wonder how he's doing I went to my text messages and clicked on Ben name

Me: hi my love I just wanted to say that I' love you and I hope your having fun I'll see you in a few days.

I hit send I noticed that I had a message from Mitch I clicked it so I can read it

Mitch : hey beautiful I just received the invitations to your baby shower and wedding will definitely be there is there anything specific that you want for the twins.

I smiled my bestie is so amazing

Me : hi bestie and I'll be grateful with anything you buy them really so it's up to you really kenadee can come dressed up in her sally stitches costume as well since it's nightmare before Christmas theme she is also welcome to mine and Ben wedding I wanted to ask if she can be my flower girl ?

I hit send and went to my main messages I seen that my fiancé texted back

The love of my life 💕💕: I'm having fun we went gamboling and walked the strip so far today we're going to do zip-lining in downtown Las Vegas I love you and the boys so much I miss you guysI'll see you in a few days my love .

I smiled

Me: I' love you most and be careful please I'll see you when you get back we miss you more.

I hit send and opened my message from Mitch

Mitch : of course you can have kenadee as your flower girl She's already excited for the wedding will see you Saturday hun we love you

Me: awesome thank you and I love you guys to.

I hit send and locked my phone the girls walked up with our drinks I smiled and thanked Sammi

I'm so happy that I got my flower girl it makes things easier it I took a drink of my matcha and oh my god I can never get tired of matcha I really can't

I let the girls know that Mitch agreed to let kenadee be my flower girl they were excited everyone spoils kenadee because she's the only child in our group so far so that little girl is spoiled by everyone

When we were done we headed back to my house I shut my door after everyone walked in I locked it

What time should we be here on Saturday so we can help you set up ?

I thought about it

How about 10 since it starts at 12 o'clock ?


Thank you guys I appreciate it

No problem sweetie

They helped me pick up the living room and sweep the floors again before having to head home I hugged both of them goodbye I love you guys be careful please text me when you guys get home safely

We love you to and we will see you Saturday

See you Saturday

I closed and locked my door I'm all alone again don't get me wrong I enjoy alone time once in awhile but after being by myself for a few years I hate being alone sometimes I need some human contact I sighed

I headed up the stairs and stopped by Scarlett door I opened it and walked in I closed the door and sat on the rocking chair I couldn't bring my self to change anything about her room even if it's been a couple of years it just stayed the same.

I picked up her baby book and flipped through the pictures she was such a happy baby she was a mixture of me and Ben she had my eyes but Ben hair color the only thing that she had that resembled me was my eye and nose the rest was all Ben

I got to the very last picture that we took as a family and it made me upset she would've been an amazing big sister my precious baby.

I sat her baby book back down before I got up and walked out of her room I went into mine and Bens I felt drained mentally and physically idk why but I just do I changed into Ben shirt and fell asleep

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