Chapter 14

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I woke up around 9 am the wedding wasn't until 2:00pm so I had time to get ready I got up and went into my bathroom turning on the shower -20 minutes later - I made sure to put my dress on carefully after drying off once my dress was on I started curling my hair i kinda hate having long hair since it takes forever to curl but whatever

After spending an hour curling my hair I made sure to just do a quick make up nothing to much just a pretty teal and black eyeshadow with a light burgundy lipstick one my make up was done and my hair looked decent I was ready I made sure that I had my heels , wallet, purse and phone

I felt like I was missing something then I remembered my Polaroid camera I just got more film for it so it should be perfect to bring I made my way downstairs where my brother was dressed in a suit he smiled when he seen me

Morning Ava I smiled back Morning Andy even though it was almost twelve we sat down at the table after Andy gave me a plate of fruit to eat before we go it's an hour drive there so we gotta leave soon

Once I was finished with my fruits I washed mine and Andy plates real quick before heading to the car Andy wanted to drive so I let him he plugged his phone in and system of the down started playing

Most of the drive was mostly old band until I heard the intro to I'm low on Gas and you need a jacket by Pierce the Veil I smile spread across my face as I sung along to one of my favorite PTV songs

Andy became a fan of PTV and SWS after meeting them I'm so happy that they all get along it's not a good thing when people I love and care about don't like each other it's awkward but I'm glad that they do

We pulled up to the Venue and parked I got out the car and ran when I seen Mitch , Kenadee and Jolie I jumped into Mitch arms i missed you he laughed

But you just seen us a week ago I laughed I know but I still missed you guys Mitch put me down before saying that he missed me to

I lifted up Kenadee so I can hug her she giggled and hugged me back I gave Jolie a hug while I was still holding onto Kenadee we walked into the Venue when Andy walked up to us

There wasn't any assigned seating so we all just sat next to each other as the other guest arrived I rolled my eyes as I seen Ben standing in the front by James ugh I can't stand him

After a couple of minutes everyone was seated as the music started playing to say that Brandi was gorgeous was an understatement that women was drop dead gorgeous her dress fit her perfectly

And her hair was just beautiful we sat back down as her and her father made it to the alter I sat down and pulled out my camera and took a quick picture of them I put my camera down so I can pay attention

James was the first to say his vows

Brandi when I first met you I just knew that in that moment that you'll be my wife one day and now here we are after two years of being together I promise to always be your best friend and your number one support system whatever you go through I'll go through it with you you'll never be alone I'll always be here ever step of the way I love you so much and it's just you and me against the world

It was Brandi turn for her vows

James when we first started dating I didn't expect to fall so deep in love with you but I did and I don't regret it because your the love of my life my knight in shining armor the person who saved me from a dark place in my life so many times there's nothing I wouldn't do for you nothing I wouldn't trade you for anything in the whole world I love you so fucking much

Once their vows were done and they gave each other the rings the officiator pronounced them husband and wife after their kiss they walked down the Aisle I stood up as Kenadee lifted her arms up for me to carry her I smiled and lifted her up we had to head to the reception which was another hour drive but it was fine

We all walked to our cars which I'm surprised to find out that Mitch parked next to us how did I not notice his car I'll never know Kenadee wasn't letting me go at all eventually we gave up and Mitch let her go with us since we were going to the same place anyways

I placed her in her car seat that Mitch gave me and made sure her seat belt was secure enough before we left half of the car ride we listened to Disney music since my beautiful niece asked so nicely

And the other half we listened to Suicide Silence again another request from Kenadee I'm not complaining though as long as she's happy then I'm happy

Andy parked in the back of the reception hall I unbuckled Kenadee and put her on the side walk so she can walk she grabbed onto my hand as we walked into the hall she spotted Mitch and ran to him

He lifted her up and asked if she was good for us during the car ride which she really was for a five year old normally small children like her don't do good with long car rides since they get bored easily and start wanting to run around everywhere

My chest hurt a little as I started to miss Scarlett now was not the time I sighed today gonna be a long day.

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