Chapter 15

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I was sitting at the bridal party table watching everyone dance and have fun it was 9:30 pm right now and most of the people with kids left already since it was getting late which means that we can drink I was on my second beer when I seen Ava by the bar for the third time today

I finished my beer real quick before heading over to the bar okay Ben it's now or never my heart was pounding really fast as I made it to Ava I tapped on her shoulder and she turned around

She smiled and pulled me into a hug Ben where have you been I've been looking for you all night came dance with me ? 

I knew it was the alcohol talking but I didn't care Ava was an honest drunk so there was some truth in her words I grabbed onto her hand once she let go of the hug and lead her to the dance floor as soon as we got to the dance floor A thousand years came on

A smile spread on my face it just had to be this song I wrapped my arms around Ava waist as she wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me closer to her in the process we were moving slow to the music I started singing the song to her

She laid her head on my chest I missed this I'm not gonna lie I missed dancing and singing with her I missed all of it how can I be so stupid to lose her when she was my everything same with Scarlett all I can hope for is she gives me a second chance that's all

We danced through a couple of songs before she pulled away and asked if I'll like to sit down with her a talk she looked like she was a little bit sober now so I agreed we sat back down at her table thankfully it was just us

She sat down and I sat next to her waiting for her to speak first

Benny why I loved you so much but why did you do it ? that's all I wanna know

I sighed I didn't it because I thought that it would fill the void that Scar left but it didn't the alcohol and the weed didn't help anymore really so when that girl came up to me and offered to be there for me I accepted it and I know it's not an excuse to use and I take full responsibility for what I've done I'm just hoping that you can forgive me and give me another chance I'll do anything for you Ava I really would just tell me what you want Avalynn and I'll do it Ava looked like she was thinking about it before answering

Okay Ben I'll let you show me that you changed but I wanna be friends for awhile before I just jump right into a relationship with you again deal ?

I smiled and agreed with Ava I got up and pulled her into a tight hug thank you Ava you won't regret it I promise I heard her whisper I hope so

I swear I'll make it up to her I'm gonna prove to her that I've changed and that I'll do anything for her I just need time to show her that's all 

So Ava would you like to go to the mall with me tomorrow just as friends so we can hang out and get used to being around each other again if not it's cool I just thought that we could hangout just you and me

She smiled I would love that Ben pick me up at 10 tomorrow and will go spend the day at the mall and maybe go to the movies

I smiled back sounds like a plan we spent the rest of the wedding talking and catching up it was midnight when we decided to call it a night and head back home

After we said our goodbyes to everyone that was still there we walked out with Andy following us I walked Ava to her car and hugged her real quick I'll see you tomorrow

Tomorrow she let go of me and opened the car door before waving goodbye to me I couldn't help but smile I'm getting my second chance and I couldn't be happier 

I made my way to my car and started driving to the rental house that me and the guys rented for our stay in California most of the drive home was quite I was to focused on how tomorrow will go and thinking about Ava

When I finally arrived the the rental home Danny was waiting for me in the living room he gave me a stern look I rolled my eyes what Danny ?

I seen you and Ava talking and dancing at the wedding care to explain ?

I rolled my eyes again i asked her to dance after I found her at the bar alone I wanted to keep her company and she actually let me dance with her as of me sitting with her she asked me to by herself so I listened and we're hanging out tomorrow at the mall just as friends though she's giving me the chance to prove to her that I change which I have Danny I really have I love Ava more than anything and I wanna make it up to her so please just support me 

Danny sighed I'll support you Ben you know I always will but if you break her heart I won't hesitate to kick your ass I really won't so just keep that in mind

I nodded my head I will Danny thank you Mate

Danny smiled anytime Benny

I made my way to my room and closed the door so I can strip out of my clothes I laid down on the bed my heart was racing I'm so nervous for tomorrow I hope everything works out

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