Chapter 27

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Ava pov

I woke up to the door bell ringing I got up and headed downstairs to answer the door I opened it to see Sammi and Ella with their bags I smiled come in girls after they both walked in I closed the door and locked it I'll be right back just let me change real quick

I headed up the stairs again and pulled out a pair of leggings and a loose floral print blouse I put my flats on once I was done I headed back downstairs

How about we go get pedicures and manicures ?

They both agreed and there we went to the nail salon we all got into Sammi car as she drove us to the nail salon we talked about baby names and the wedding on the way there if I'm being honest Im nervous about all of it still

I was sitting in the pedicure chair in between Sammi and Ella I turned my camera on and took a quick picture of us I locked my phone

So who all knows about the pregnancy ?

Just you Guys , Andy , Juliet , the rest of BVB , Ben , his band and his parents that's pretty much it we want to keep it a secret as much as possible until the birth

That's understandable it's kinda hard to be with someone in a famous band your privacy isn't really private

That is very true I had to ask my co workers and boss not to mention anything in AP magazine until we we're ready to announce it will most likely do a photo shoot when the twins are born who knows

Are you excited for the baby shower at least

I smiled of course I am it's gonna be fun seeing everyone that knows under one roof again for a few hours it's so hard getting people to come to a get together now  a days it's frustrating really I'm just happy that already half the people I invited already told me yes to both the wedding and baby shower

It's gonna be a chaotic couple of months I already know it

After the nail salon we headed back to my house I unlocked my front door and let Sammi and Ella walk in before walking in and locking the door

How about we go swimming ?


I headed upstairs to change into my bathing suit top and some basketball shorts I headed back down stairs where the girls were

Can we touch your stomach ?

I nodded my head go a head I felt the boys kick I smiled are you guys happy that aunt Sammi and Ella are hanging out with us ?

I felt another kick so far the boys like half of our little family which I'm thankful for their not a big fan of Ashley though poor ash

We headed outside I took my sandals off and sat on the second step of the pool while Sammi and Ella jumped in soon I'll be able to jump into the pool again and I can't wait I love the water I've always have

I asked when Ella and Jake are gonna get married since it's been awhile that they've been together it's surprising that their not married yet

She frowned I want him to propose believe me I'm ready to be Mrs Pitts but idk about him I don't want him to feel pressured to purpose or anything but it would be nice to get married I love him with all my heart

I smiled I'm sure he'll purpose soon because he's in love with you thats one thing I do know for sure just by the way he looks at you anyone can tell just give him more time and it'll happen

Ella smiled I will

Two hours later

We just changed back into our regular clothes now we we're waiting on the pizza to be delivered so we can start our movie night I just pulled out the soda when I heard my door bell go off I'll get it

I walked over to my front door and unlocked it the delivery man was standing there with two boxes of pizza I handed him a twenty and grabbed the boxes thank you

Your welcome Mrs

I closed the door with my foot and put the boxes down by the table by the door so I can lock the door once I finished locking the door I grabbed our food and headed to the living room

Sammi has grabbed the soda from the kitchen and sat it on the living room table I placed the pizza on the table I grabbed two slices before sitting down I was scrolling through Netflix before we all agreed on watching scary movies

The first one up was dead silence

After dead silence was over we put on the conjuring

I'll admit dead silence did creep me out a little I mean come on who will think about doing all of the with dolls ugh no thank you I turned my focus back onto the screen.

Two movies later

I was starting to get tired another thing that sucks about pregnancy is that it makes you tired all the damn time it's like these kids are taking all of my damn energy but I gotta love them I do

I picked up the trash so I can throw it away before heading to the hall closet to grab the blankets and pillows for us I'm so happy that our couch has a pullout bed that's big enough to fit up to four people

I noticed that Sammi and Ella pulled out the bed already I thanked them before putting the pillows and blankets on the bed I chose one of the sides in case I wake up in the middle of the night once everyone figured out what half they were sleeping on we all laid down

I pulled the covers over me and smiled

Good night girls i love you both

Good night Ava we love you to

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