Chapter 12

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I was the first one out the pool since I got tired I headed to my room so I can get changed I pulled on a tank top and shorts since it was still hot I put my wet clothes in my bathroom hanging up I brushed through my hair so I don't have to deal with it being tangled later.

When I was done I walked back downstairs to see that the boys got out as well I guess they found their spare clothes I sat on the couch can we have a sleepover guys please they ended up agreeing to having a sleepover I even told them to invite the girls since it's been awhile since I seen Sammi and Ella I even let Andy invite Juliet I've only ever met her twice since Andy been on tour but she's a nice person from what I can tell.

Once the boys let the girls know that we're having a sleepover I started making sure that the extra pillows and blankets were all washed once I made sure that they we're all clean we were good to go

30 minutes later

I heard the door bell ring I ran over to go get it once I opened the door I was greeted by Juliet , Ella and Sammi we ended up in a group hug before they walked in

The girls went into the living room with the guys I went to the kitchen to grab the snacks I just realized that me , CC and Ashley are the only single ones here oh well

I brought the bowls of popcorn and Doritos and sat them on the table I went back for the cups and soda I'm not sure Andy will feel comfortable with me drinking especially with Ashley here so will just settle for soda.

We talked about little things for awhile before CC being the big child that his is thought that it would be fun to play truth or dare I mean it only works if you know a lot of things about the people and I don't know a lot of things about Juliet so I guess I'll just stick to asking the boys.

Everyone agreed to play I went first I had to think about who to ask first until I thought of the perfect person to ask truth or dare to

I asked Ashley what did he pick truth or dare ?

He looked at me before answering truth 

I know exactly what to ask him Is it true that you date only porn stars and that your an easy person to sleep with ?

He stood quite for a few minutes before answering that it was somewhat true

I was curious on how it was somewhat true so I asked him how it was half way true

He answered me by saying I've dated maybe two or three porn stars but I'm not that much of an easy person to sleep with I like to get to have a few dates with the girl before sleeping with her

I had a hard time believing that because Ashley is a womanizer and a man whore but I guess I'll give him a chance it was his turn to ask someone if they picked truth or dare

I was kinda expecting for him to pick me and I was right I ended up picking dare I know it wasn't the best choice considering who asked me but what the hell

He thought about it what to ask me cause he was quite for awhile maybe because Andy was staring daggers at him the whole time he knows that my brother would kill him if it was anything inappropriate

He finally gave me my dare

I dare you to kiss the hottest person in the room I looked around the room and moved over to CC and gave him a quick kiss I sat back down as I seen Ashley pout I decided to pick on him aww is the poor baby upset that I didn't kiss him Ashley just winked at me before telling me

You know it babe ;)

Eww I rolled my eyes seeing Andy turn bright red at Ashley comment even though I'm of age and can date whoever I want I'll never go for any of my brothers band mates it's just something I'll never do even if they we're all single I still wouldn't date any of them no offense to them I think their all amazing people and all very attractive but just no

I was pulled out of my own thoughts when I see Jake get up and do the chicken dance I couldn't help but laugh I pulled out my phone a recorded him until CC told him he could stop I'm so gonna use this against him one day if he pisses me off

The next person to get asked truth or dare was Ella she ended up picking dare man does no one know how to pick truth in this house oh well we spent most of the time picking dares until it was my turn again

Andy asked me truth or dare

I ended up picking truth I wasn't expecting for him to ask me this but it's irritating that he did

Is it true that you still have feelings for Ben?

I sighed there's no point in denying it since they'll all find out sooner or later Yes I do I'm still madly in love with him and it's irritating because I shouldn't be after what he's done but I can't help but love his stupid ass

Ha I knew it Jake you owe me 10 dollars give it up now

I seen Jake hand Jinxx 10 dollars out of all people why Jinxx I rolled my eyes at how childish Jake was being whatever

We all decided to call it a night since we got a few things to do tomorrow Andy and Juliet ended up sleeping in the living room with us because Andy didn't trust Ashley I rolled my eyes but I understand my brothers concern I cuddled up to CC and passed out.

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