Chapter 24

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Ava pov

It was the day of Andy and Juliet wedding everyone been hectic the last couple of days trying to figure everything out last minute but we all got everything together last minute which was amazing I was waiting behind the doors to walk down the aisle Juliet was behind me with her father she looked gorgeous really

I was a tad bit jealous because my father won't be there to walk me down the aisle but it's okay because I'll have Andy and my grandpa so it's fine

The music started playing which meant that it was time for us to walk down the aisle I followed Juliet sister I never noticed how good Jinxx and them all look in suits oh lord do these men know how to clean up well

I stood behind Juliet sister and watched Juliet walk down the isle she looked like a queen if I'm being honest I'm so happy for her and Andy I truly am they deserve each other

Time skip

I was sitting at the bridal party table when I felt a hand on my shoulder I turned to see me fiancé

Can I have this dance ?

I smiled yes you may

I followed Ben to the dance floor I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and he pulled me closer by my waist we slowed danced to thinking out loud by Ed Sheeran

My heart was racing I felt the twins kicking me I smiled their both very active children always kicking me when they get the chance but I don't mind I really don't .

Ben seemed to feel them kick to because he smiled and placed a hand on my stomach daddy loves you guys and your momma very much

They kicked even harder

Ben smiled

We love you to Ben

After the song was over the bridal party was asked to go sit back at the table because the toast was about to begin

I kissed Ben real quick before heading to the table I took my seat a listened to everyone speeches I wasn't prepared for them to ask me to do one but I got up anyway since me and Andy don't have parents it was my job to give a speech

I sat up as I was handed a microphone I cleared my throat real quick

Hello everyone I'm The grooms baby sister I know our parents were supposed to do this speech but sadly our parents died when we were young um To Juliet I'm so happy that my brother found someone as beautiful , talented , hard working just overall bad ass as you to be his wife I was skeptical at first because Andy been hurt so many times that I wanted to protect my older brother from getting hurt again but now i see that you two were meant for each other I always wanted a sister and now I have one welcome to the family Juliet

I took a deep breath

Andy your the best big brother anyone can ever ask for in all honesty It's always been just me and you since we were young i cherish all the wonderful memories that we've had and still have my children have one amazing ass uncle who I'm sure their gonna love more than anything thank you for always being my rock in difficult situations for teaching me to be a strong independent woman that I am today and for teaching me to never give in and to follow my dreams through all the tough situations we've been through we always had each others backs I love you so much big brother and I'm so happy that you found your soulmate I wish you guys nothing but happiness I love you Andrew.

I handed the microphone back to the dj and wiped my face I felt someone hug me I knew it was Andy by the smell of his cologne I hugged him back tightly

I love you so much Ava never forget that

I smiled I won't I love you to

The rest of the reception was spent talking about the past and mostly everyone drinking except for me and Ben I let him know that I didn't mind if he drank but he insisted that he didn't want to if I couldn't drink with him my fiancé just the cutest really

After Andy and Juliet cut the cake CC decided that it would be a good idea to smash cake on Andy and it started a whole cake fight against everyone I swear I'm surrounded by children I didn't notice that CC snuck up behind me to smash cake on my hair until I felt it

My blood my boiling it's on now I went a grabbed a small piece of cake and smashed it on his head this continued for a few minutes until I couldn't breathe I had to stop for a few minutes to catch my breath

Once Ben seen that I was out of breath he told Andy and Juliet that we were leaving and congratulations on the wedding

I walked over to my new sister in law and pulled her into a hug congratulations and be safe on your honeymoon I'll see you guys when you get back

I let Juliet go and went to hug my brother I smacked his arm don't make me an aunt to early do you understand bro I love you and congratulations

He smiled no promises

I rolled my eyes but walked away to the car Ben helped me into the car and drove us home I'm so tired ugh

Once we were home I had Ben carry me up the stairs to our room since I was to tired to walk I laid on our bed I'll change tomorrow i pulled the covers over me and scooted over so Ben can lay on the bed with me

I wrapped my arms around him I love you Benny

I love you to Ava

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