Chapter 19

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Ava pov

It's been about three weeks since we've been home and let's just say that it's been hectic with Andy and Juliet wedding coming up and us trying to plan everything it's been chaotic not to mention I've been throwing up the past two weeks I'm sure that it's just from being on tour and around a bunch of people

Right now I was trying on my brides maids dress it was a little snug on me which is weird because I've always been a size 6 maybe I gained some weight from all the junk I ate on tour who knows I sighed because I really love this dress to it's a black short lace dress

Are you alright Ava do you not like it sweetie ?

Oh no I love it it's just a little snug on me that's all I'll need a bigger size I smiled at Juliet and she smiled back I walked off the podium and headed to the dressing room so I can change once I was done I handed my dress back to the dress Taylor I let her know that I'll need a bigger size and that I'll be back a week before the wedding

I thanked her and went back to Juliet she smiled at me as we headed to the car how about we go get some boba ?

I nodded my head and drove us to boba time I got out the car once I was parked and headed inside the little boba shop I ordered what I wanted and what Juliet wanted before paying i found the booth where Juliet was I headed to the booth with our drinks I handed Juliet hers then sat down

Everything was fine until a wave a nausea hit me and I was running to the bathroom to throw up I heard a knock on the stall door

Ava are you okay sweetie ?

I didn't answer her until I was done yes I'm fine please don't worry I'll be out in a minute I promise I heard Juliet say a quick ok all I heard after she left was silence once I felt okay I walked back to our table I apologized

Ava sweetie I want you to be honest with me are you pregnant ?

My eyes widened I can't be pregnant but then again I haven't had my period in a month or two fuck my eyes started watering what if I'm pregnant ? What if Ben leaves me ? What would Andy do ?

Hey sweetie calm down please it's gonna be okay just breathe will go to target and pick up a few test so we can make sure okay I promise I won't tell Andy or anyone else unless you want me to okay ?

I nodded my head ok thank you Juliet I pulled her into a tight hug

No problem sweetie

We got into my car and headed to target i was shaking when we got to the pregnancy test isle my mind was spinning are me and Ben really ready for another child ? In all honesty I'm not sure I picked up three boxes of the clear blue we headed to self checkout I quickly paid and headed to my car

Juliet offered to drive since I was to shaky I thanked her as we headed to my house the drive went by to fast for my liking and it was bullshit in all honesty I hide the boxes in my purse and got out my car Andy's and Ben's car we're gone so that's a good thing

I got out my car and unlocked my front door I headed up the stairs to my bed room I locked my bathroom door and opened up the first box I pulled out the two test and sat them down as I waited for the results I pulled out the second box tests and waited for their results once I was done I washed my hands and opened the bathroom door to let Juliet In

I was shaking by now I couldn't look at the results ugh fuck my life I felt Juliet pull me into a hug

Shh it's gonna be okay Ava I promise everything be alright I'll always be here for you I promise and if you are pregnant then the baby will have gained an amazing ass mom so please just calm down sweetie

I nodded my head I'll try I heard the beeps from the test that means that the results are ready I took a deep breathe and let go of Juliet I walked over to the test and flipped all four of them over at once I covered my mouth as the tears fell

I.. I'm gonna be a mom I turned to Juliet and screamed IM GONNA BE A MOM !!!!

Omg congratulations sweetie I'm so happy for you

I smiled and placed my hand on my stomach I'm gonna be a mom again the smile on my face wouldn't go away I'm so excited I threw the tests away and washed my hands I don't know how I'll tell Ben but I will

Me and Juliet headed back downstairs to chill in the living room we were talking about baby names and who the baby gonna look like to be honest I'm excited I'm really excited I knew that I always wanted more children after Scarlett and now it's actually happening

I heard the front door open

Is anyone home ? Girls where are you ?

In the living room I seen Andy and Ben walk into the living room carrying pizza they both smiled

Hey we bought pizza do you wanna watch some movies ?


We ended up putting the nun in then we ended up putting the birds of prey after the birds of prey we all decided to call it a night and head to bed after I said good night to my brother and soon to be sister in law me and Ben went to our room

I was getting dressed when I heard baby what is this I turned to see Ben holding a pregnancy test oh no ..

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