Chapter 17

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Andy pov

It was the first day of the tour we just finished loading up the tour bus when I noticed that Ava looked upset I was wondering what was wrong with Ava so I'll just ask her when we're both alone but I hope Ben didn't do anything to hurt her because I'll kick his ass for hurting her.

I finished setting up my bunk we had one big private room which was Ava since she was the only girl on the bus it just felt right to give my little sister her own privacy.

I headed to her room I knocked and waited for her to tell me to come in once I walked in I closed the door 

What's up bro ?

I just wanted to see what was wrong that's all and please don't lie to me you know you can tell me anything right ?

She looked like she seen a ghost because her face paled a bit something definitely wrong Avalynn please tell me I wanna help you with whatever it is

I noticed that she was pulling on her long sleeve please don't tell me Ava can I see your arms please

She reluctantly lifted her arms up to me I pulled up the sleeves and seen all the cuts on her wrist why ? I didn't notice that my tears were falling until she told me something I wiped my face why Ava just why ?

She sighed it helps with all the pressure I'm under and all the bullshit I'm sorry that I didn't tell you I just didn't know how to

My heart broke my baby sister was suffering and I didn't even know how can I be blind to this when we see each other everyday I pulled her into a tight hug my tears hit her shoulder I love you so much Avalynn please never forget that and I'll always be here for you never give in please

She was sobbing i just held her tighter it's okay Ava it's gonna be alright I'm right here I stayed with her until she fell asleep I put her Batman blanket on and walked out the room the guys we're all in the living room talking when I walked out CC was the first one to speak up

Hey man how's Ava ?I heard her crying is everything alright ?

Yeah she was just having a tough time that's all
Jinxx looked at me funny

Come on Andy tell us the truth we won't tell her that we know

I sighed alright fine she's cutting again and it looks worse then it did when we we're younger so please be gentle with her and don't let her know that I told any of you she's going through a tough time and I don't need my baby sister killing herself

All the guys promised I smiled thanks guys I took a seat next to CC man it's gonna be a long tour I already know it...

-sound check -

We just finished sound check and now we we're headed to the lounge room to wait for the concert I walked into the lounge room where my sister and Asking  Alexandria was but when I looked around I didn't see Ava or Ben anywhere I was panicking where could they've gone

Oi Biersack they went back to your guys tour bus real quick something about she needed to change and Ben offered to help her or something

My blood started boiling they've only been dating for two months and he's trying to get in her pants I stormed off to the tour bus ignoring everyone calling my name I pulled the tour bus door open and stomped inside I heard crying from the back room I ran to the back and pulled open the door to see Ava holding onto Ben crying

I pulled Ben off of her and clenched my fist what did you do to her Bruce ?

Nothing Andy I swear she just asked me to come with her so she can change and I heard something fall so I walked in and seen her arms and she just started crying

My eyes softened a little bit I let go of Ben and pulled Ava into a hug I patted her hair it's okay Ava just breathe everything will be alright I promise

She sighed no it's not Andy it's not okay everyone gonna leave me when they find out that I'm an emo freak who can't stop cutting herself I'm so useless it's not even funny just leave I won't blame you guys just do it before I hurt you

I tightened my grip on her we're not leaving Ava your worthy of love and to be loved none of us sees you as a worthless person you just fall down sometimes and it's okay it happens but we're here to pick you back up and support you now let's get up and go have fun okay ?

She sniffled okay

That's my girl now come on I stood up so I can help her up we all walked back to the Venue and went into the lounge room CC ran up to Ava and pulled her into a tight hug it makes me happy knowing how much my band mates/ best friends love my lil sister

Jinxx patted me on my shoulder before telling me that she'll be alright and that she has all of us to help her I smiled

She really does have all of us and that's all she needs.

Andy Biersack sisterDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora