Chapter 14// The truth

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I finished my day of college for the day. Finished up some work during the study group which the leader Chase didn't show up to today which was weird. I mostly just talked to Jackie the whole time and she helped me with my work. After that, I went to work and I saw Phil there and we shared a smile together. Today's day at work went by pretty easy. I sang to a bunch of kids happy then went back to the register. Right now I'm at the park by my home waiting for Jackie because I wanted to tell her about dinner at Becky's place if it's such a good idea. While kicking a few rocks under me I looked up as I heard footsteps.

"I'm here sorry, I had to walk Benny," Jackie explained sitting next to me. "What's up?"

I breathed out with a forced smile, "that's okay." I paused gathering my words. I told Jackie everything there is to Becky and Dylan. "so Becky Dylan's girlfriend she invited me to have dinner at her house and I'm not so sure if I should go or not. But I should make nice with her at some point since she is dating my roommate... Well, ex-roommate." I mentioned sighing looked forward at the ducks.

Jackie breathed in then out, "I have a feeling I shouldn't tell you what to do but- I don't think you should go if you feel like your forcing yourself to like her for Dylan. I'm sure he doesn't need your validation."

"Yeah but I'm basically the whole reason he moved out if I would have been nice to her maybe he still would have been here."

My best friend sighed, "well, when you put it that way I think you should go... It's one dinner it won't hurt."

I nodded my head, "yeah... One dinner."


I put on a black skinny jeans with a blue button up top and peach sandals. Next I tie my hair in a bun and check myself in the mirror. Well, I guess I'm ready for this dinner. Unfortunately. I look at the time and it's seven twenty-two. I should be going. As I shut my room light off I stuff my car keys and phone in my purse then head out the door. Finally I get to my car stepping in the drivers seat and start my car. I don't know what's going to happen.


Becky invites me in as I smell something amazing. I sit on the couch as she told me to stay there while her parents and herself and Dylan set the table. I look around noticing pictures of her and Dylan. Wow, I guess he is apart of their family after all. Looking down at my socks since Becky said no shoes in the house I hear someone sit next to me.

"It's been a while." I hear Dylan speak which makes my heart thump.

I just nod my head, "nice place."

"Yeah it is isn't it? So how you been?" He asked reaching his arm across the back of the couch.

I just shrug my shoulders. My mood right now is pretty vague. I have no energy to even fake a smile or excitment. I just feel alone and empty.

"Well, dinners ready come on." He mentioned patting my back.

I sighed standing up walking to the dinner table. I noticed her mother and fater and another male who was really buff who I assume is her brother. Then I see Becky and Dylan sit next to each other so i have no choice but to sit across Dylan and next to her brother. I look at the food which I feel I should thank them for inviting me or that would be a bit rude.

"I wanted to sy thanks for inviting me. The food smells delicious." I speak in a forced kind tone.

Her mother smiles, "no problem. I am Becky's mother this is her father and our son Kenny. He fought in the marines but he is home for now until he has to ship back out there." She finished her sentence with a smile.

I nodded my head as I looked down at my plate eating the food. Everyone else is eating the food as well. It has been quiet for a bit until Becky's mother started to speak again.

His roommate is...जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें