Chapter 12

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Moonbyul spent the next two days teaching her members how to use the new technology. She wanted to ensure their safety even if she wasn't with them. And even if they get lost, Moonbyul and the other members can easily find them.

"These are tracking devices. Because of the whole toxic gas situation, I made them so you guys would be easy to find if you get lost."

"Perfect. You really overdid yourself this time, Unnie." Moonbyul smiled.

"Will you be okay though?" Wheein asked worriedly.

"I got enough sleep last night. It was just the first day that tired me out."

"So what's the plan?"

"Basically the same. Their techniques didn't change so ours won't either." They nodded. "They're not here though. How does a 3 hour drive sound to you guys?"

"As long as I'm not driving, I'm down." Hwasa shrugged.

"I'm driving."

"You better be." Moonbyul sighed.

"Alright. Let's go."

Moonbyul opened the door for Solar and closed it once she was inside.

"We're definitely going to chaperone." Wheein sighed, opening her own door.

"Byul Unnie!" Moonbyul jogged over to Hwasa's side and opened the door for her. Wheein gave her a weird look but Hwasa just smiled.

"How'd you get her to do that?"

"When you chaperone, you got to get the most out of it. Byul Unnie would literally do anything for us, trust me."

Moonbyul got into the car and started driving. The roads were empty so she was able to drive faster to get to their destination as soon as possible.

"Hyejin, can you put some music on? Just use bluetooth." Hwasa nodded and put on a random playlist. Solar was pretty quiet, just looking out the window when Moonbyul suddenly grabbed her hand.

"Aren't you supposed to be focusing on the road?" She asked. Moonbyul glanced at her then back at the road and smiled.

"I'll multitask and focus on both you and the road."

"Gross." Wheein grimaced.

"Can you two get any cringier? Gosh." Moonbyul looked at her again.

"Should I just put this on autopilot so I can focus on you and just you?" She kissed her hand, making Solar blush.

"Byul, seriously..." She looked away shyly. Wheein rolled her eyes and looked at Hwasa.

"You really had to ask."


Eventually, Solar and Wheein fell asleep. Even so, Moonbyul didn't let go of Solar's hand and continued to take glances at her.

"Are you checking if she's still there or something?" Hwasa sighed.

"Nah. Seeing her makes me happy so I like looking at her."

"You're so whipped."

"I really am." She smiled. "At least it's for someone worth being whipped for."

"Thank me for making you realize that you like her."

"Right? How did I not figure it out sooner?"

"When was your 'a-ha' moment anyways?"

"I didn't really have one. I just wanted to be near her all the time."

"Wow. Then that means you've liked her for a really long time." Moonbyul smiled again.

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