1 - Atlas Yunshui

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Atlas Yunshui was born and raised in Rochester, New York, by her father, Jack Yunshui. Some would say Atlas was the perfect child; she's had straight A's all throughout high school, a perfect 4.0 unweighted GPA, an SAT score of 1560 and an ACT score of 35. So when finding out she possessed a genetic trait that had been suppressed for decades in her family, surprised was the most boring of expressions one could use - especially when her father wanted her to lead a normal life.  

Given this image of a perfect child, you could say it was startling to see Atlas downing four shots of tequila at a bar far away from her crappy apartment, dreading the following Monday at a school she hated where she was looked down upon because of her age. And not to mention the somewhat attractive guy that was flirting with her, not knowing she wasn't actually old enough to be at this bar, but she'd probably end up sleeping with him later that night - if she was being honest with herself. 


Monday, May 4th, 1:35 am

"No, c'mon, don't go. You could stay the night if you want," Chris said, the averagely attractive guy from earlier. Atlas was currently getting dressed, preparing to do the "walk" of shame back to her apartment in Queens. 

"It's fine. My apartment's like a couple of blocks away from here anyways," Atlas responds while slipping on her cropped tank top that had been aggressively taken off of her earlier.

"Can I least get your number?"

"Is it like, a Wasian thing or something? Because I swear to god this happens way too often," Atlas said, rolling her eyes at Chris's desperate attempt to flatter her. 


"Half white, half Asian... Wasian. And I have class tomorrow, so I really can't stay," she stated. Atlas walked away from the couch she had just done the deed on and slammed the door closed to Chris's apartment before he could say anything further. She rolled her eyes like she usually did after leaving a guy's apartment, tired of most of their Asian fetishes. Unless she was just that good in bed, which she highly doubted, it had to be the half-Chinese thing. 

Atlas ran a hand through her wavy auburn-brown locks as she waited for the elevator to take her to the highest floor of the building. After giving a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes to a passing family and their little kid, Atlas made her way up the final flights of the stairs to the rooftop. 

Sighing as the light spring breeze hit her face, Atlas pulled out her collapsible bo staff from inside her jacket and pressed the small button that would extend the piece of metal into a six-foot-long weapon. She then gave the black staff a small but strong shake, and out came a large piece of navy-coloured canvas that looked as if Atlas were carrying a giant fan; a glider she designed and built herself to help her augment her powers when needed. In this case, the glider would help her fly back to her apartment, which was a bit further away than what she had told Chris; "a couple of blocks away from here" was actually closer to ten miles or so, not a walk anyone would want to make at one in the morning.

Atlas stepped to the edge of the building, took a deep breath, and jumped. She gripped onto the handles of her glider tightly as she shifted the air currents around her at her will. And just like that, Atlas was high in the air as her feet hooked around the back of the glider while she sped through the night sky. 

A twenty-minute flight was all it took for Atlas to arrive back at her apartment on the east side of Ridgewood. She gently landed on the rooftop of her building and collapsed her staff back into the one-foot long stick it once was and tucked it back into her jacket pocket. 

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