Chapter 26 - The Guest

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Chapter 26

I sit up with a gasp and find myself cowering from the now very aware of my conscious state male in front of me.

"Why am I here?" I start shakily.

"You're my guest." he states bluntly.

I notice then that he's In his Kylo Ren suit, but sans his mask.

"How am I here?" I pull my knees close to my chest, trying to get away from him in the best way I can.

"I brought you here." His face stays straight, but he momentarily chews on the inside of his cheek. And for some reason, that's what calms me down. It's the only sign behind his emotionless face, posture and tone that he's a real human being.

"So you were the one that shut down my x-wing," he nods after a moment. "You risked me suffocating to death just so I could be your 'guest'?"

"I don't have time for your little interrogation," he stands up abruptly, picking up his haunting mask from the space next to him. "I have business to attend to. I'll have the nurses see that you're not infected with any... foreign diseases."

And with that, he walks out, putting his mask on with a click as he does.

I look around and take in the silver surroundings of the med ward that I now know if aboard one of the First Order ships. It's definitely more high-tech than the med ward we had on D'Qar. You think before shaking your head. Just because they have more and better resources than us, doesn't mean I should forget the balance in the force. Good and bad. These are the bad guys.

It takes less than another minute before a small gaggle of nurses enter the private room. One is holding a pile of clothes that look so heavy I almost want to get up and help her carry them before she places them on the small grey bedside table.

The shortest of the group steps forward to help me stand up and out of the bed. And being the stubborn person I am, I nearly swat her away before I realise truly how weak my legs are feeling and give into her touch.

"Miss Ren, we-" my head snaps towards the eldest woman of the group so fast I think I gave myself whiplash.

"No, I'm not 'Miss Ren'. My name is Y/N Solo - Organa and I will go by nothing else," I tell them confidently. That is, before I note how aggressive I sounded just then and soften my features, sighing as I do. "I apologise, I shouldn't have snapped. I've had quite the day. But I would appreciate it if you didn't call me by that name."

"Of course, Miss. My apologies, I will be sure to inform my other staff members," she sounds terrified, and I can feel the fear coursing through her veins - and it's insanely distracting.

They help me towards whatever fancy machine they put me in and there is some buzzing around me as it works to do whatever it's supposed to do. Then there's some hissing and a smoke rises up from the bottom. I momentarily panic; I've heard too many stories about being trapped in a box full of poison gas to not panic.

However, within a minute it's over and done with and I will admit that I already feel better - whatever they did to do that, I'd love to know.

Once i'm out of said box, I try to get a glimpse of whatever one of the other women has been writing on her clipboard sheet but there's no avail.

"Everything seems fine, no offworld diseases and nothing else that would cause worry for us and for you," the eldest nurse confirms with a blunt, monotone voice that almost makes me want to slap her. Why must people be so miserable all the time? Be happy for force's sake!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2020 ⏰

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