Chapter 11

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I woke up but didn't open my eyes.  I could feel the sun against my lids so I knew it was the next day.  The Monday night's events came back to me and I moved my pinky to test that I could move again.  When it moved I felt relief that Sean was able to get the antidote to me.  That was a close call.  Kevin was close but it didn't mean he'd be able to get inside fast enough.  A stab to the heart takes but a second.  I doubt that his bitch ass would have ended me like that but it was a possibility.  I might have to rethink some things.  Then I remembered Owen here and who knew else.  The jig was up.  I should pretend to keep sleeping as I bet they're still here and mad at me.  Ain't nobody got time for that.  I listened around my bedroom trying to sense anyone in it.  I didn't feel any shifts in the air or hear any.  I happily roll over in my bed right into a hard wall which turns out to be a chest.

"Are you awake little Blond Devil?" Owen asked.

Fuck.My.Life.  I let out a little snore as I kept my eyes closed.  I heard Owen chuckle at my act but I stubbornly kept it up.  

"I guess you have no one to blame but yourself." Owen said and then he attacked.

We knew each other for a month.  We learned everything about each other's bodies.  He knew each and every ticklish spot.  I was squealing and giggling in no time.

"Stop lovebug!  Stop!  Mercy sir!" I cried out.

I hadn't called him by his pet name since seeing him again.  But one can't control themselves when they're at the tickle monster's mercy.  Owen stopped and picked me up and carried me to the bathroom.

"Hurry up love.  We have a family meeting." Owen said sternly.

I sighed as I shut the door and used the bathroom.  When I came back out after brushing teeth and washing my face Owen picked me back up.

"Lovebug I can definitely walk on my own two legs!  I'm not paralyzed anymore!" I may or may not have whined.

"Don't remind me.  Just let me baby you little devil." Owen said.

Owen carried me out to the living room where literally all of them were waiting.  I pouted and hid my face in Owen's chest.  I didn't want to deal with this.

"This family meeting is beginning now.  So Kevin shared a secret about my Sunshine last night that he won't share with everyone.  But I haven't been sworn to secrecy so I'm torn between my Sunshine and telling all of you what he told me." Axel said.

I looked up and found Kevin's eyes and he nodded.  I knew he was letting me know that Axel knew I was a ghost.  I sighed against Owen's chest.  Then I stood up from his lap and went into the middle of the room.  The were all in a circle around me now.

"I'll tell my own secrets.  It was bound to come out sooner or later with so many of you dating me and trying to date me.  I grew up in an abusive household.  It started when I was a kid.  The woman I thought was my mom loved me so and so did my dad and sister.  When I was maybe 6 the woman I thought was my mom fell ill.  I don't know what kind of cancer.  The pills she was on changed her now I realize it's probably because she abused them.  But that's when she became this monster who began abusing me.  My father changed then too as if he only forced himself to care so long as she did.  Now that she didn't he didn't abuse me but he just stopped coming around.  Was negligent.  My sister was only a year older so she didn't really know or understand what was going on.  Our relationship became strained because the woman made sure I knew I wasn't to be around her daughter.  I was trash who could contaminate the good daughter.  So I stayed away from her which caused us to drift.  I don't feel the need to go into details of what she did to me.  We'll narrow it down to being starved a lot so that I was extremely malnourished, being forced to drink vinegar and lemon juice, and doing everything in the house from cooking to cleaning to laundry for everyone.  I put up with it until I was fourteen.  At twelve the punishments got worse because I became a preteen with the typical attitude.  I was defiant and not accepting what she was telling me.  Every time she'd tell me I was trash or a whore or whatever I would snap back at her.  When I was fourteen I was finally strong enough to defend myself.  She wasn't ever able to hurt me again because I'd strike back.  I began studying fighting at 12 on my own since I wasn't allowed out of the house." I paused and took a breath.

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