Chapter 19

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My lovebug, Raven, and Corey were due back on Monday which is today.  I was so excited to see them.  I missed all of them.  But also my family!  I picked Bjorn and tossed him in the air as his giggles tore through my apartment.  I caught him and then showered him with kisses.

"Are you ready to meet your grandparents Munchkin?" I asked.

"Yes!" Bjorn shouted in excitement.  

I had a therapy appointment today and explained everything to her.  She said that not many women can raise the child that came from rape and not have issues.  Most who keep the child remain distant from the child and that's the best case scenario.  Others will view the child as a monster and only show hate.  Very few can show the child the love all kids need.  She suspected from what I said that Bjorn's mom fell in the category of just being distant so he wouldn't view her as his mom.  That he imprinted on me as being the mother figure he needs as being the first woman to show him that kind of kindness a child would want from their mom.  She also said it's quite obvious that I think of him as my child as well and that it would be natural to flow that way.  She suggested someday when he's old enough explaining to him some of it.  Probably lay off the traumatizing part as being given away is traumatic enough.  If he needs to know the rest it should wait until he's an adult and better able to process it.

I was going to be his mom.  I mean if my grandparents want custody then fine because I'll still be there.  But I was his mom and the world will hear me roar if anyone dare to cross him.  My little Bjorn has his first friend already.  I introduced him to Layla over the weekend and they're thick as thieves since she isn't that much older than him.  She's only five.  She's the only kid I know around his age.

Also, surprisingly North has been around a lot.  Just letting himself on into my apartment.  I don't know when every single one of them got their own key to my place but clearly they all do.  Kota is over a lot and worming his way into my heart.  I think the stupid Grumpy Pants barged his way into my heart and gave it no choice.  It's rude really.  It's no surprise the playful members are over a lot.  Sean, Marc, Luke, Gabriel, and Silas.  I have learned that Silas is a never ending fountain of dad jokes and Bjorn loves them.  Sean found a trustworthy pediatrician for Bjorn to see.  He hasn't had any of the checkups he was supposed to have.  He was a damn ghost.  But he's been with social workers so he isn't anymore.  They made sure to get him legitimized with the government.  I guess it should be no surprise the sperm donor would hide his crime.  I digress, Bjorn needs his checkups and vaccine shots.  He looks healthy to me but I don't want to take chances.  I was on my way to his first check up now.  The doctor has been apprised of the situation so I don't have to discuss it in front of Bjorn.

"Everything looks good.  He's healthy and exactly where he should be for his age.  I don't want to give him all the vaccine shots at once I'll give him the first he should have already received today.  It's still a lot that he'll be getting today.  The day he was born he should have received the first dose of vaccine for Hepatitis B and that would be it.  Then second visit once 1-2 months old he'd receive the second dose along with the first dose of pertussis and DTaP, first dose of flu B, 1st dose of polio, first dose of PCV13, and first dose of RV.  So we'll do all of those today.  Not the second dose of Hep B though." Dr. Monroe said.

I nodded and held Bjorn's hand as the shots began.  He cried but handled it like a champ for the most part.

"Ok, now we'll schedule an appointment in three months where he'll receive round two of all of those plus HepB.  Go ahead and set that up with the receptionist." Dr. Monroe said.

We left after setting up the appointment and met up with Sean for lunch since he worked with Dr. Monroe.  He set up his practice as a one stop shop.  It has a doctor specializing in everything and only doctors that he approved of who were good at what they do and also good with their patients.  When patients are with their doctors is usually when they're at their most vulnerable and need someone who will be kind.  Most doctors forget that but not Sean.

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