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I got down and followed her in.


I walked straight towards the front door of my small house, having Harry behind me.

I knocked on the door with a little shaky hands.

The door slinged open instantly-
revealing my mother standing right in front of us.

"Finally the queen arrived," she tauntingly stated.

I looked up at her signalling not to humiliate me in front of Harry and thankfully she quitted.

"Mom, this is Harry. I went to his house, after school." I informed her.

"Hello Mrs.Hoppers, It's lovely meeting you. I'm Harry Styles." Harry spoke to mom.

"Mmh-hmm, 'Harry'. Nice meeting you as well. I'm the momma Hoppers. You can call me Lillie." She robotically retorted, emphasizing on his name.

Harry gave an awkward grin to mom as his reply.

"I hope she behaved at your place" eyeing me, she stated to Harry,rotting every ounc of my reputation I got left with- in Harry's eyes.

I saw Harry trying his hard not to laugh at my mother's statement.

All I could do was to stand there in the midst awkwardly with my head down.

"Well, that's a question for my mother to answer, I guess." He laughed playfully trying to make the awkward situation a little easier for me.

She laughed along with Harry and I gave him a smile for making up the situation for me, again.

"Umm....I should get going, see you around?" Harry stated, ending the last part more like a question.

"Thanks for dropping my daughter home, dear." Mom thanked Harry surprising the shit out of me.

"I had to. It's already dark and my mother wouldn't allow her to walk home alone all along." He explained.

"Thanks a lot, both of you. Why don't you stay here for dinner, darling?" She offered.

"It's would really be nice but my mother is waiting for me back at home so I'm afraid, not today." Harry sweetly retorted.

"Ahh, it's alright. See you around then." She stated.

I said my goodbye to Harry and waved at him from the doorsteps just like the previous time he left my house.

"So, queen. Now may I ask you about the whole
"Harry-the-new-pal" thing you're putting up since I was away?" She mocked.

"I'm hungry. Let's talk about it at the table?" I suggested. But all she did was roll her eyes and I followed her to the table.

I went upstairs to my room and changed into my comfy clothes and cleaned all the make up shit I had on my face since morning.

As soon as I cleaned up my face, all the bruises appeared.

All dark and they're really not that pleasing to look at.

I didn't want mom to see them and bombard me with questions I couldn't answer, so I went up to my dresser and applied another good coat of make up shit that might cover up all these dark, unpleasant marks. But still I couldn't cover the bursted lip, sure things she's going to inspect me about this, therefore I got my mind prepared for all of it to lie about the whole thing happened yesterday.

I ran downstairs in my pajamas and digged into the food.

"Wow mom, the rolls are amazing."

"What on earth have you done to your lip! How did you get hurt?" She shot at me exactly as I expected her to.

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