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I snapped out of my daze and rushed to her pushing through the noisy crowd- god she was on her highest level of anger and-
damn, she's quite strong.


I felt a strong yet gentle grip on me from behind when I was beating the shit out of Drew.

"Victoria! Enough or he'll die, let him go now!"

The voice screamed.

It was Harry, undoubtedly.

Yet I kept beating Drew with the same force as before and eventually Harry dragged me out of the crowd, away from Drew.

"Are you nuts? You could've killed him." He said.

"I regret for not killing him." I retorted.

We walked towards the washroom to get my my knuckles cleaned up that got bloody from beating that twat.

As soon as I was done with it, Harry and I sprinted towards the music class.

Dang we're late, just because of that twatty brat Drew.

"What class you're heading to?" I asked Harry as if nothing happened.
He raised an eyebrow,

"Cool. We have another class in common." I subtly replied.


Mr.Anderson is already in the class.

Harry walked and stopped by the entrance. "Can we get in,
Mr. Anderson?"

"Well, well, well. Mr.Styles and- yes Ms.Hoppers as well, may I ask what made you late to join us?"

Mr.Anderson, our music teacher questioned.

"I lost my music sheets and it took a while to find it out. It won't happen again, Mr.Anderson." I coyly retorted.

"Mhmm. I'm allowing you two for this time but better be on time from further. Go- get your seats!" He shouted.

We both ran up to the midsection of the class jumped into a bench with our things.

"Buckle up students, today we're going to do something different. Instead of solo performances today I'm pairing you up with others and you'll have to perform in pairs- one for vocals and another for instrument." Mr.Anderson explained.

The whole Drew shit already spoiled my mood and energy to sing or to act like I'm fine to be honest. But still I have to go with the flow.

"Okay, students. Now, you all are paired up with the person you've sat next to."


We had our music class in utter joy. Me and Harry got to perform together, he played the guitar and I did the vocals.

"And I'll be gone, gone tonight
The ground beneath my feet is open wide
The way that I've been holding on too tight
With nothing in between

The story of my life, I take her home
I drive all night to keep her warm and time is frozen"

[Story Of My Life by One Direction,
EP: Midnight Memories, 2013]

*School ended*


I waited for Harry and Victoria to show up. It's only been a while but they showed up in the meanwhile anyway.

I was afraid that Victoria's having a bad time but she didn't seem so. She was laughing all along with Harry on their way towards me.

I heard all the kids talking about the fight held today throughout the whole day, a girl beat Drew and when I asked a random kid who that dare-hearted warrior princess is, the name he mentioned really got me shook. It was none other than the sweetest girl I've even seen in my life- Victoria.

I already knew the whole drama so I thought of not bothering her asking.

"Hi, Zayn. How was your day?" She asked me with a huge smile.

"It was good. How are you doing?" I asked with a smile.

"Better than ever!" She joked. But she really didn't seem to joke about this one.

"I think we should get going now." Suggested Harry.

Victoria and I shook our heads in agreement and followed him outside of the school.


Twenty minutes of drive and we reached our destination.

The woods. Surrounding mosaics of every shade of green, with soothing breeze and not very far there was a small river, flowing towards West.

Harry brought his camera and I brought my notepads to scribble down whatever's needed.

Harry took a good number of snaps from different angles and from different perspects. Meanwhile I noted down some information and Zayn helped me throughout the whole time.

After our respective jobs done, we had some fun time together.

Then finally Harry spoke,

"What was that?"

I frowned in confusion. "What?"

"You almost killed Drew. What did he do again?" Harry asked, his eyes filled with pure concern.

"He took away a girl's glasses. And he was playing pig in the middle with her glasses. She was about to pass out the way she was crying."

"Did you get hurt? Did he hit you back?" He asked.

"No. I caught him off guard with the sudden push." I laughed.

"Good that you taught him how the consequences could be if you don't treat a girl with respect."

"Damn, Vic. You got me shook. I really couldn't ever imagine that you could beat someone's ass up this bad-" Zayn added.

We all laughed and talked about school and other stuffs.

"It's almost five. Dang we're going to be late." I screamed.

"Oh no. Pack up, right now. We gotta move." Harry announced.

We packed all our stuffs in a jiffy and headed towards Harry's car.

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