Prison Break #2

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The group walked out of the Asgardian aircraft and onto the hot soil of Muspehiem. The ground was scattered with lava and hardened magma. As they walked over to the compound, guards started to come into view. They were the ugliest creatures. With eyes, as black as their souls, and their skin was a sickening orange. They blended in perfectly with the background of the lava cracked ground. Loki stayed back and turned invisible as The assassins, the Captain, and Tony went to work, killing of the outside protection.

Soon enough, Thor and Loki made their way into the building, now it was only a matter of finding Asher. They scrounged through the halls, only a few guards getting in their way. Finally, they came upon a door with a shut barred window on it. Loki picked the lock, and shoved his way into the room. Inside, was Asher, just as she looked on the security tape. She was unconscious.

Behind her on the walls, were angel wings, painted in blood.

Suddenly, a figure lunged out of the darkness, and latched it's hands around Asher's neck in a holding position. It was the man that had knocked Loki down. But that wasn't how Loki remembered him.

"Rednir?" Loki said shocked.

"If you move one step closer, I'll snap her neck." he said, and you could see the fear growing in his eyes as he was reminded the time Loki and him were friends.

"Rednir, you don't have to do this. Stop this nonsense, come home, where you belong." Loki pleaded as Thor stood in the doorway confused.

"Home? Odin would kill me. No, he wouldn't do that, have me, experience something as painless as an execution?" Rednir said, tears forming in his eyes.

"Please, let Asher go. We can settle this, Rednir. Come home with us. We miss you."

"Come back to what, being shunned and laughed at? Because I'm the only member of the royal family, whose not Asgardian!" He shouted, his anger getting the best of him.

"If you don't let her go, I'll show you whose not of Asgardian assent." Loki said, his eyes slowly turning red and the blue creeping across his skin like an infection.

Rednir's eyes widened and he loosened his hold on Asher's neck just enough for Loki to rip him off of her and pin him to a wall.

"You think your life was bad. At least your parents told you when you were young!" Loki snarled. "I had to find out by almost getting killed! At least, you weren't brain washed to want to kill your adopted father! At least you aren't known as a criminal on Midgard because of the torture done to your mind!" he yelled punching him each time he started a new sentence.

That was when a blinding light filled the room.

Loki let go of Rednir and shielded his eyes. When the light died down, Asher was no longer chained, and the wings were no longer paint, but black feathered wings, that sprouted from Asher's back. Her eyes were glazed over, but the light was still there. She walked over to Rednir, and put a hand around his neck. He fell to the ground unconscious, as Asher fell a short time later.

Loki rushed over to Asher, slowly turning back to normal. He picked up her limp body as Thor slung Rednir over his shoulder.

Loki ran as fast as he could out of the wretched place, back to the aircraft. He heard shouts from the team behind him, but he kept running.

Asher's ebony black wings folded against her back, eventually shrinking into nonexistence.

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