We actually finished a bingo card broski

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Jayden immediately goes to the caves while I mine down some trees as well as looking for Fern. Fern is pretty rare so I was hoping that while multitasking I could perhaps get Fern. Jayden tells me about the things he was currently doing to keep me updated on what he currently had. While getting clay I see Techno doing the same thing.

Bonking my head I started to focus back onto the main task. Smelting the clay I started to break some blocks around me hoping for some Fern to luckily drop. Sadly the clay smelted before I could get Fern which was pretty annoying.

Team JaydenPlayz and Y/U found Bricks (1/9)

"Ok I'm gonna go for some Fern now and you Jayden find some stuff in the cave that could lead to more than just getting a gold block from the cave," I tell Jayden. He nods to my commands and started to mine more efficiently from what I'm hearing from my side of the call.

Getting sand as well as looking for Fern I finally see the Fern drop into my inventory.

"Ok, we found 2 items now!" Jayden says as he continues mining for gold.

Getting a rose I started to smelt the sand and look at the bingo board while waiting for the furnace to do its job.

Team JaydenPlayz and Y/U found Flint and Steel (3/9)

Seeing the glass had smelted I finally got a red stained glass. Now that's 4 items. Looking back at the bingo board I saw that I already had dark oak on me so I quickly make a dark oak fence gate.

Team JaydenPlayz and Y/U found a Dark Oak Fence Gate (5/9)

"Nice!" Jayden tells me.

"We are doing way better than last time we played bingo." I laughed in relief.

"I have 7 gold," Jayden says.

"Ok continue mining until you reach 9 then craft the gold block. I will try and get wheat. When you are done with the gold block then try and get obsidian. I will get the ender eye." I tell Jayden.

"I'm on it."

After a while, I finally got wheat from killing skeletons which they just added a spawner for which now I grew the wheat with, while Jayden finally got a block of gold.

JayenPlayz and Y/U found a Wheat (6/9)

JaydenPlayz and Y/U found a gold Block (7/9)

typing in /spawn I started grinding blazes and endermen while Jayden builds a weighted pressure plate and gets obsidian. He luckily found diamonds while looking for gold so we had this in the bag.

JaydenPlayz and Y/U found a Weighted Pressure Plate (Heavy) (8/9)

"All we need is obsidian Jayden!" I said and Jayden already had the obsidian in hand. I craft the ender chest quickly and smiled when I finished making it.

Team JaydenPlayz and Y/U finished their bingo card!


"WE FINISHED FIRST TOO!" Jayden was so happy. As happy as me at this point. We got a lot of points from that which I and Jayden were hyped about and I mean we were hyped about it. We both go back to spawn and just stand there waiting for bingo to end.

I see Jaydens username and mines as well under the Victory Royale text.

"WE DID IT AGAIN! LETS GOOOO!" Jayden starts yelling in happiness. We usually never do well in bingo so this was a big deal to us. Even the viewers were surprised that we finished the bingo card first.

We all get set back to the hub and now the next game was 'Find The Button.' which Jayden was good at so I was relying on him. We join game 3 and Skeppy started punching me making me punch him back.

Skeppy: Stoop being good at Minecraft kid

Y/U: Not my fault that I'm good and you're not, loser

I and Skeppy were going at it besides the fact that we couldn't even hurt each other.

Skeppy: I'm finding the button first

Y/U: No I am

Skeppy: No me


Skeppy: NO ME

Everyone starts joining and finally the game started.

Skeppy: I'm finding the button before you :)

Y/U: Loser thinks he will

"I'm gonna find that button so quick," I said to Jayden who cheered me on.

Technoblade: Nah I'm finding it first

Dream: I'm finding it first <3

This was a competition all of a sudden. Once it had started I see pearls in my inventory which I used to get to the first button I saw...

Vik ended up getting the first button. Everyone who just got competitive 10 seconds ago was not amused. Guessing it doesn't matter anymore so now I started to get as many buttons as I can. Jayden was the one getting the most buttons right now which I was really surprised at since I heard about how much he practiced for this button game.

I And Jayden were laughing at how stupid the points were worth for this game we were currently playing. Find the button gives you more points than the hunger games and it was so stupid. We both won again since we found 100 buttons combined which Techno started yelling in the chat 'Hacks!' and starts shaking his head while looking at me with his character,


Y/U: cause you suck

BadBoyHalo: Bad Muffin!

Dream: Haha

Now the next game was parkour race.

"I was trained for this moment," I say and Jayden hypes me up. Slowly the lobby of the parkour race gets filled in just seconds. The game starts after a while and once it did I started to sprint off and was currently in first. I'm not the best at parkour but I'm good at practicing my skills at parkour at least.

I see Dream surpass me and started to do crazy stunts. Wow, he's good at parkour. Techno saw that since he wasn't so far behind me and does the same but spins in a 360 and lands on a block on the edge of it.

Y/U: Chill with ur stunts Techno that gave me anxiety XD

Technoblade: Techno never dies

I continued doing the parkour and see Jayden catching up on Dream. I was in 4th while Jayden and Dream were both in 1st since they were both at breathing down each other's neck right now.

Man, why is everyone so good?


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